I have used chip type LED coming on strip. Only plain LEDs are used without any extra film or diffuser. But what you see is how the National engineers has designed the lighting in the RX-7000.
When I posted the same in s2g, I gave the title -
"National RX-7000 dial light - As its designer wanted it"
Just one LED, any bright LED, is enough to give that illumination all over the Radio dial, uniformly. There is an acrylic glass plate on top of the dials and the printing is done with some sort of reflective ink. When you apply a light on the edge of that glass plate, the light diffracts within the glass plate and reflect out from the fluorescent printing. If you simply replace the original bulb in RX-7000 with a powerful lamp, the same effect will come out.
The plate material must be working on the same principle of Fiber optics. Anybody has noticed, RX-7000 dial plate is fixed to form a curve, it is not straight. This is to achieve infinite reflection of light within the plate, like in fiber optics.
Many high end amps of the 80's has similar dials. I endorse, National RX-7000 is a Hi-Fi system, fitted in a boombox case, as it is said.
It was accidentally found out on suggestion from my 14 years old son. I was trying to fix the LED to illuminate the surface of the dial, when he came in and asked to try on the edge of that glass plate. And there was that mesmerizing glow on all over the dial.
I will post in detail later.