National Panasonic RX-5350

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Boomus Fidelis
vladi123456 said:
Don, ya, I remember our discussion a while back - willpower and all - :-D
Any luck with the thrift stores? I don't have time for the thrift stores, so I'm relying on Boomboxery as far as buying :-D

A few 80's and 90's boxes like the RX-680 types and a few 80's mid and mini size boxes. I spend maybe 5 to 10 hours a week visiting just a few thrifts.
I've actually found a few 70's and 80's Receivers, tape decks, etc. which has changed my collecting a little. This has helped me ween away from boomboxes a little since some space is reallocated to the vintage home gear. I'm having a blast collecting and playing with both hobbies. :-D


Boomus Fidelis
As you know it is from the mono-stereo-ambience
selector button.

vladi123456 said:
BoomboxLover48 said:
vladi123456 said:
So last night I moved RX-5350 from my bedroom into my living room, which is probably three times the size of the bedroom. Also, I listen to it from a greater distance now - and it seems that the sound quality has greatly improved. So my (unscientific) conclusion is that RX-5350 shines in bigger rooms, and shouldn't be enjoyed in the smaller ones :-D
Anyway, I was just curious if anybody else observed something similar with any boomboxes?

Hi Vladi,

The ambience sound feature makes that difference. I have also noticed that with my RX5350.

I played with that feature, but in the end I turned it off. Which version of RX5350 do you have - National, Panasonic or NP? Or is that feature the same between the models?
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