Wow, that's a nice SK. I never knew the difference between the 909 and 900, anyone know?
Anyhow, this is eBay we are talking about where one should always be prepared to be surprised. I just now did some snooping on the seller and it does seem like all of his sales are conducted privately and he has 1800 feedbacks so apparently, this practice is nothing new for him, although aside from auto parts sales, he actually has very few auctions. Still, this shouldn't automatically mean that the sale is suspect. I have sold several boomboxes that concluded at prices far higher than many people believed was real and several questioned whether there was shill bidding, or whether the buyer would come through, and made comments like it'll probably be relisted again, etc. All I can say is that all of the high sales I had all went through and there are real bidders out there that have deeper pockets than you or I and just because they know what they want and are willing to pay for them, doesn't mean that every auction that went for high $$ are not real. Many are, and I say this from experience.
Anyhow, this is eBay we are talking about where one should always be prepared to be surprised. I just now did some snooping on the seller and it does seem like all of his sales are conducted privately and he has 1800 feedbacks so apparently, this practice is nothing new for him, although aside from auto parts sales, he actually has very few auctions. Still, this shouldn't automatically mean that the sale is suspect. I have sold several boomboxes that concluded at prices far higher than many people believed was real and several questioned whether there was shill bidding, or whether the buyer would come through, and made comments like it'll probably be relisted again, etc. All I can say is that all of the high sales I had all went through and there are real bidders out there that have deeper pockets than you or I and just because they know what they want and are willing to pay for them, doesn't mean that every auction that went for high $$ are not real. Many are, and I say this from experience.