Why do these types of threads always seem to devolve into trashing of a model because the item sold for more than someone else wishes to pay. The 5250 is an excellent sounding boombox and used examples selling for ~$200 usd is common. This one does appear to be in superior condition (regardless if it is truly new or not) and comes with accessories and carton that everyone knows will bump up the price significantly. Now the concept of BNIB is not new and does frequently result in quite high pices. Many of us have been in the hobby long enough to have observed that. In fact I have a few in my collection that I paid a very healthy sum for because those were important models for me and I saw value in having a new example of a model that has significant sentimental meaning to me. Had I regarded those auctions any less, I would not have won the auctions and those boomboxes would still have sold for a lot.
As for this example, there clearly are some marks on the top trim which suggests that maybe it's maybe not really actually "new." So that's a fair argument to make. The final price as well. However, lets not trash this model. It is highly sought after and still a score to add to any collection. Argue the suspicious nature of the auction if you like, but let's not trash a good sounding boombox. It is not the loudest or biggest or has the most bling, but you could surely do a whole lot less.