My wife surprised me for my 40th birthday...

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Member (SA)
Wow seriously impressive and how awesome of your wife, she gonna need some bling for her birthday!

Many happy returns bro


Member (SA)
Wow. That blows away the M90 cake my sister's friend made for me a few years back. No comparison. That is unreal..


Staff member
That cake looks unreal, I'm still scratching my head wondering am I seeing what I'm actually seeing? The detail on that front panel... must've took forever. I know that cake companies can produce picture cakes (ice-cream) if you supply them with a photograph. Basically a machine produces the photo layer that is simply placed on top of a cake, but this one has 3-D detail with the detail in color too! Maybe I'm dreaming, lol.

The last thing that I'm wondering and simply must know.... did it taste good? Like a good cake, or did it taste like a boombox, literally, haha.


Member (SA)
wakehappy said:
...with the coolest cake ever! :w00t: :clap: :lol:



Joe, first of all, Happy 40th Birthday. Welcome to the 40 club!!!

As for the cake, my wife got me an awesome Rising "40 40" cake for my 40th last year and I have no problem saying that your cake is better. Truly congrats and that's an unbelievable cake!


Member (SA)
Thanks everyone for the Bday wishes! My wife definitely knows the way to my heart. :-D

The place that made it is 'Tahoe Bakery' in South Lake Tahoe. She actually took a pic of my 975 and emailed it to them. They used fondant icing to make all the knobs, switches, and speaker grills. For the lettering and graphic details they printed a layer into the icing - and you could eat it all! The only part that wasn't edible were the antennas which they made out of chopsticks and foil. They served it on what looked like two pages from a jukebox with old hits from the 80's. The back even had the model number and a little note from her. They even delivered it. I almost didn't want to cut into it... but it tasted amazing ...chocolate peanutbutter fudge.


Fatdog said:
From the few boombox cakes I have seen pictures of, that is by far the best! You have an amazing wife. That's true love right there. :yes: :-D :smooch: We need more details - who made it, how did they do the front, dimensions, etc.

BoomboxLover48 said:
That is Awesome! :thumbsup:

Who can make a cake like this? See how detailed the front part is.... this is unbelievable... wow! :jawdrop:

Boombox collectors have great partners! :yes:

Reli said:
Your knobs are drooping! haha, j/k

The detail is amazing, especially the lettering and graphics. What are the antennas made of?

Happy Birthday! And in Tahoe too, I'm guessing? Nice! You have a great wife!

Superduper said:
That cake looks unreal, I'm still scratching my head wondering am I seeing what I'm actually seeing? The detail on that front panel... must've took forever. I know that cake companies can produce picture cakes (ice-cream) if you supply them with a photograph. Basically a machine produces the photo layer that is simply placed on top of a cake, but this one has 3-D detail with the detail in color too! Maybe I'm dreaming, lol.

The last thing that I'm wondering and simply must know.... did it taste good? Like a good cake, or did it taste like a boombox, literally, haha.

howie1976 said:
...with the coolest cake ever! :w00t: :clap: :lol:



Joe, first of all, Happy 40th Birthday. Welcome to the 40 club!!!

As for the cake, my wife got me an awesome Rising "40 40" cake for my 40th last year and I have no problem saying that your cake is better. Truly congrats and that's an unbelievable cake!

Lasonic TRC-920

Reli said:
Your knobs are drooping! haha, j/k
Hey, he's 40, it happens to everyone :lol:

That is damn impressive. He must have printed the face, Amazing. Howie had a great Rising 20/20 cake for his 40th. It was tasty too!

Happy Birthday! :cake:


Member (SA)
T-STER said:
No one has bothered to ask the question of how much the cake costed?
What on earth for?
Yeah thats a bit crass and perhaps missing the point.
I understand that the point of the post was to share a great act of kindness by the OP's wife, but with a professionally made cake such as this, I was surprised no one was curious about what I asked


Member (SA)
Holy crap, I would have called BS on this if you hadn't posted the pic of the slice, that is insane amounts of detail. I wish my real boxes looked as good as your cake box did!


Member (SA)
As others have been saying, wakehappy, happy birthday (albeit belated). And, as they have also said: that Lasonic-shaped cake came with amazing detail!

Uh … did we not own – that is, did my sisters not own – a Lasonic TRC-975, replacing the equally huge TRC-951 that started losing knobs and switches before simply becoming unusable before I heaved it into the Dumpster when we moved from New Jersey to Florida?


Member (SA)
Thanks again everyone for the bday wishes... feeling old now that I'm a month into my 40's. :hooray:

My wife won't tell me how much it cost..prob a good thing haha. ;-)

FWSnake said:
No one has bothered to ask the question of how much the cake costed?
What on earth for?
Yeah thats a bit crass and perhaps missing the point.
I understand that the point of the post was to share a great act of kindness by the OP's wife, but with a professionally made cake such as this, I was surprised no one was curious about what I asked
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