Well, I had taken a break from breakin' in the new cans & thought on how to improve the sound. I poked around with my ear & deduced the following deficiencies that needed remedy.
1. Every screw hole was bleeding pressure from the bass notes & causing a fluttering, fuzzy bass noise I couldn't let pass. Air leaks are the number 1 enemy to good bass.
2. The screens vibrate & make noise since they are only attached at the top & bottom edges.
3. If the cabinets were a bit more rigid & had another dead-mat layer, they would go deeper but the sound is punchy overall so I will do more listening tests & decide later if I want to pursue that detail.
So far, I've sealed all the leaks with rubber sink washers & the dead-mat treatment along the edges of each cabinet seam are holding firm & the sound is much tighter & cleaner now. There is still a bit of back-wave slap at high volumes but these cans scream & are extremely efficient, all the way down to about 50Hz & can easily do 30 in the right cabinets...
Once I can iron out issue 2 & 3 I will be more than ready to take on ALL contenders & see where my SS-A5 stands in the crowd of heavy pipe-hittin' blasters....Modded or not...Floyd's big 12" EVIL 2000 Master Blaster will be the dragon to slay if I hope for greatness...
This beast weighs in at over 50 lbs already & is STUPID LOUD!!! on its own gas. No T-amps need apply. Just add REAL woofers & a decent audiophile cap for the tweeters's 12db filters...

a lot of time is taken up by applying deadmat in all the right places to tighten up each cabinet & by far is the biggest challenge of the project, so far......
In the meantime, listen to the soothing sounds of the Dust Bunny Bros. & Bradd Pitt at a very LOUD 1/3 volume & peaks hitting 0db mark on the LED VU's....BAM!!!
!!!WARNING!!! HEAVY BASS & LOUD MUSIC!!! Turn your speakers down before attempting to play this video....
'I say...deliver me from perfect original restorations'.....