My JVC M-60JW Died On (09-11-11')!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-I was listening to my JVC M-60JW alot up north at my brothers cabin during the weekend starting Thursday Sept. 8th.
Well I had this plugged into the same receptacle as a 1970-73' GE window a/c unit.

I was playing it quite nicely saturday night up to around 6-7 on the volume but it was mostly playing when the a/c unit was off.

Well this is the M-60 I was restoring,just the deck didn't work.

Well when I went to turn it on sunday morning it was dead! the radio doesn't work now!!
In all my days of Boomboxery I have never had a radio goe out on a boombox!! :sad:

The Line in works fine.the cassette has power but the radio is nothing! Just a faint amount of static on full volume and the meter only goes up to 1,barely moves up! :annoyed:

I'm guessing it's the tuner board somewhere! Took it apart & nothing noticebly fried or visibly burnt!

I hope I can fix this again!
Any suggestions?? :hmmm:

I've done so much on restoring this I hopw to get it going again!
Have a good weekend-Jeff. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
try deoxit on the funtion switch and if u can take her apart spray it on the record bar as well :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Hi Ramon-I'll try that but I fell that a componant might have burned out but you never know. :hmmm:

This has been a great working boombox for me,hopefully the worst is getting a new tuner board.

Have a great week & thanks-Jeff. :-)


Member (SA)
thebeardedlady said:
The exact same thing happened to my Sanyo M9990! :'-(

I hope you find a fix because then maybe I can fix mine.

Sorry to hear about that!
Try what Ramon says as this is the first & most common cause is that the switches are dirty & need cleaning with de-oxit spray.

The sanyo radios are know to not be the best espacially the am section.
Does your am work or all bands?
Hope you get it going.
I have one of those & I really like it!
Good luck-GB. :-)
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