First of, Thanks to Brooklyn Jimmy, without his many tips....this would look...meeeh
I was at it from about 4:30 pm til 20 mins ago(about 2 am). Didn't even stop to eat...did manage some beers later on
For starters, she was a deep clean was in order.
The tape deck was missing a belt----**not fixed**
The line in is f*cking stupid, runs on radio bands and very LOW---cleaned/deoxed but didn't do much so I rigged a car cassette/mp3 adapter(no belts anyway in deck)
and ran the line through the box out where the line in and mic/headphone jacks are. sorta fixed
The bass, treble, stereo/mono pots were shot-----replaced/re-soldered...fixed
The little stereo fm led indicator was shot------replaced...fixed
The radio was all screwed up----fixed the string/pulley so it tunes left/right
re-soldered a bunch of stuff on the tuner board(inc the antenna connection....fixed
The battery compartment was clean-ish but didn't work---re-soldered all connections/cleaned board/replaced resistor...fixed
now I'm mobile
Grills looked like shite-----removed, wet sanded, painted...fixed
Nothing like putting her back together for the first time, plugging in and having everything you hoped would work actually work.
here are some pics....
BTW, am I the only one who puts the case back together and forgets the f*cking handle????
This was the e-bay pic
Now the after....
I was at it from about 4:30 pm til 20 mins ago(about 2 am). Didn't even stop to eat...did manage some beers later on
For starters, she was a deep clean was in order.

The tape deck was missing a belt----**not fixed**

The line in is f*cking stupid, runs on radio bands and very LOW---cleaned/deoxed but didn't do much so I rigged a car cassette/mp3 adapter(no belts anyway in deck)
and ran the line through the box out where the line in and mic/headphone jacks are. sorta fixed

The bass, treble, stereo/mono pots were shot-----replaced/re-soldered...fixed

The little stereo fm led indicator was shot------replaced...fixed

The radio was all screwed up----fixed the string/pulley so it tunes left/right

re-soldered a bunch of stuff on the tuner board(inc the antenna connection....fixed

The battery compartment was clean-ish but didn't work---re-soldered all connections/cleaned board/replaced resistor...fixed

Grills looked like shite-----removed, wet sanded, painted...fixed

Nothing like putting her back together for the first time, plugging in and having everything you hoped would work actually work.
here are some pics....
BTW, am I the only one who puts the case back together and forgets the f*cking handle????

This was the e-bay pic

Now the after....