my favorite boombox of the week.

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So i found myself using and looking at this box quite a bit in the last few weeks so i decided to give it the award for box of the month, an award earned by a box in the collection that for some reason unbeknownst to me grabs my attention and holds it for longer than five minutes, the JCPenney model no.681-3910. I got this box a couple years ago and really enjoyed its look and style. so while finding myself staring at its vu's dance i decided a quick picture post was necessary





Well-Known Member
Staff member
A lot of collectors might scoff at the JCPenney brand, but dang, that's a nice looking boombox. :yes: And... it has dual antennas! :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Nice box, I've been watching for one in nice shape since I first saw that model about 2 years ago.
I think this box has great looks and even looks like it might perform well. :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
i love it :w00t: i want it :lol: ,anyway awesome looking box dude. i would be happy to own that .


Member (SA)
Love the non ordinary set up. The tuning knob, the tweeters, the REC button, the square sturdy look of the whole body :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
i was watching one on ebay last week -
was this it ??

i thought it was a sony clone ??

real interesting --

nice find


Member (SA)
Thanks for posting pics of your favourite of the month. It's a killer looking box and had me looking back at it for more than 5 mins too :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I love it. It's a good looking box with all the desired features. It does look like the Sonys with the floating tweeters. :drool:
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