My Collection Update

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Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
geezum crow :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

rick !!!!
you have EVERYTHING :yes: :yes:

Including star wars figures in the damn original packages. fk me. lol

Im glad u managed to get that Sony here in one piece. I tried with two from there and both got basically destroyed :annoyed:

Love that room!!

off topic here a sec, but is it just me or does this smiley :sin: resemble Sinister??? lol


Member (SA)
Being a fellow Aussie i took special note when you come onboard as a boombox
collector Glue ;-)

And you soon become a much liked and well regarded collector and member !

Now you have shown us just how serious you are about collecting with a very
SERIOUS collection of your own :w00t:

Outstanding !!!

Congratulations Rick, cant wait to see what you get in next :thumbsup:


Staff member
Holy Geezum F*cking Crow Glue! The only sad part (if there is one) is that you are running out of room aparently and are having t store some under a sink! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

Great collection man, thanks for sharing. I swear the pictures of the shelving covered walls with all those radios totally reminds me of the 1980's store front I used to see as a kid. I'm sure there are hand and face prints in those glass store fronts to this day from me looking in dreaming.

I'm going to save up $10,000, not to buy more boxes, but so I can travel the world and see some f these collections!

Nice work Glue!


Member (SA)
Thanks again guys! Very much appreciated, and I can't STRESS how few radios I'd have at this stage if it wasn't for all you guys. You're all massive inspirations and I thank you all for sharing your love and passion on here.

I think we found another place for a shelf too!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Thanks again guys! Very much appreciated, and I can't STRESS how few radios I'd have at this stage if it wasn't for all you guys. You're all massive inspirations and I thank you all for sharing your love and passion on here.

I think we found another place for a shelf too!

Rock On.

I agree with Glue!! You all are reason to collect more & share all the rarities and diverse boomboxes made! Plus some know killers out there!!-Like M-90's & rare biggies :choco: :breakdance: :yes:
:yes: :lol:
Great Collection Glue!-GB. :-) :yes:
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