Music played on vintage boomboxes

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Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
I'm curious what kind of music should be played on Walkmans..?
What kind of music should I play on my car stereo..?
I'm all new to this, please one of you experts tell me what music is right to play on these formats..Apparently I've been doing it wrong this whole time..
Thanks in advance
On Walkmans you probably have to play 80s workout music and on car stereo probably car motor sounds, according to thread starter :lol: Oh well :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Not really, I'm only half joking. People can enjoy whatever music they like on their vintage boomboxes. But, what makes VINTAGE boomboxes so special are the memories they bring back and part of the 80's were classic hip-hop and break dancing.

See now I disagree with this statement as well because me and many of my friends played Rock and metal on our Boomboxes and like in another reply hip hop and break dancing started after Boomboxes were already out for years. Disco was actually more popular when Boomboxes started in da 70's 😉

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Half joking or not I'm highly doubtful that the op of this thread owns a blaster.
really? Telling people what they should or shouldn't do is a quick way to file you into the circular file cabinet of Internet trolls .
The verbosity of your posts is a direct testament to the derelict nature of your intellect.


Member (SA)
bill said:
Half joking or not I'm highly doubtful that the op of this thread owns a blaster.
really? Telling people what they should or shouldn't do is a quick way to file you into the circular file cabinet of Internet trolls .
The verbosity of your posts is a direct testament to the derelict nature of your intellect.
That's fine you can call me a troll and not believe I was half joking. And if you truly believe I'm a troll and don't like my original post, then just ignore it and don't reply. But, you attacking intellect is a direct testament to your mean nature.


Member (SA)
bill said:
Nothing wrong with being mean as long as it's to the right person.
Well, my original post was not a personal attack on anyone. But, you attacking attacking intellect is a whole different matter. Well, it's nice to know that you don't see nothing wrong with being mean whether it's to the right person or not. I'm done replying, if you can't see the jest in my original post.


Member (SA)
Jest is only relevant if someone other than yourself thinks it's funny. If you are going to be freaking obtuse than expect the types of responses you will get to a asinine proposition.

twoengine said:
Well, my original post was not a personal attack on anyone. But, you attacking attacking intellect is a whole different matter. Well, it's nice to know that you don't see nothing wrong with being mean whether it's to the right person or not. I'm done replying, if you can't see the jest in my original post.


Member (SA)
What Nonsense!!!

I specifically record on new cassettes with a high end Technics direct driven capstan cassette deck to get the very best signal on to the tapes & I love music - that statement says it all..............from Classical to rock, dance, eurodance & country & some rap :-)

Remember that there are some emotions in life that only music can provoke or touch us - It's all that I care about if truth be told.................I still scour the net & buy vinyl copies of long deleted albums esp complitions that had that one 'odd' track that never made it!!

I love putting a newly arrived record on the Technics turntable & convert it to digital, but more than that to play the results back on any of my portable stereo's - there's something very satisfying in this process!!

Also, new pop records...........they are still (& always) the soundtrack to so many lives & I can & usually do love a new record the moment I hear it........these get put on cassette too & blasted :-) the best portables still reproduce stunning audio & I love that :-)

So called 'Hip Hop' now covers a vast number of different styles & has it's place in my collection the same as ANY music does :yes: Just play whatever makes you feel amazing & turn it up :clap:

Lasonic TRC-920

What is going on here? :huh:

"Hello, my name is Chris and I'm a lifelong METALHEAD"

WAYYYYY back in 1980 on the West Coast before we even knew what Hip Hop was we were cranking KISS, AC/DC, Van Halen and other bands through our boomboxes. Even with that said, my mind ties Hip Hop to the "Culture" of the urban use of the Boombox even if I never played it on mine. But in my opinion NOTHING sounds better than good ol' AC/DC on a Boombox. It is something I am still trying to figure out even today when I record my own music.


You can play AC/DC on an AM Radio in a 60's VW and turn it all the way up and it sounds good. Just something about that band and the production they did.

As for "Afrika bambaataa, Run-DMC, etc." sounding best. I'm sure it sounds best TO YOU because that might be your favorite music. But even half joking is fully offensive to many many people. Myself included. :annoyed:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
What is going on here? :huh:

"Hello, my name is Chris and I'm a lifelong METALHEAD"

WAYYYYY back in 1980 on the West Coast before we even knew what Hip Hop was we were cranking KISS, AC/DC, Van Halen and other bands through our boomboxes. Even with that said, my mind ties Hip Hop to the "Culture" of the urban use of the Boombox even if I never played it on mine. But in my opinion NOTHING sounds better than good ol' AC/DC on a Boombox. It is something I am still trying to figure out even today when I record my own music.


You can play AC/DC on an AM Radio in a 60's VW and turn it all the way up and it sounds good. Just something about that band and the production they did.

As for "Afrika bambaataa, Run-DMC, etc." sounding best. I'm sure it sounds best TO YOU because that might be your favorite music. But even half joking is fully offensive to many many people. Myself included. :annoyed:
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
What is going on here? :huh:

"Hello, my name is Chris and I'm a lifelong METALHEAD"

WAYYYYY back in 1980 on the West Coast before we even knew what Hip Hop was we were cranking KISS, AC/DC, Van Halen and other bands through our boomboxes. Even with that said, my mind ties Hip Hop to the "Culture" of the urban use of the Boombox even if I never played it on mine. But in my opinion NOTHING sounds better than good ol' AC/DC on a Boombox. It is something I am still trying to figure out even today when I record my own music.


You can play AC/DC on an AM Radio in a 60's VW and turn it all the way up and it sounds good. Just something about that band and the production they did.

As for "Afrika bambaataa, Run-DMC, etc." sounding best. I'm sure it sounds best TO YOU because that might be your favorite music. But even half joking is fully offensive to many many people. Myself included. :annoyed:

I'm pretty sure the poster had the intent of stirring the pot.
While he plays the passive agressive card claiming to trying to be funny I'm not fooled .
I've read through most of his posts on the forum and he seems to contradict him or herself many times .
it's stupid and so 2007 to be honest


Staff member
Posting on this thread will waste 3 minutes of your life that you'll never get back.

Damnnn I've just lost another 3 minutes of my life.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
twoengine said:
I like different kinds of music and variety is good. But, the only type of music that should be played on vintage boomboxes are classic hip-hop and techo-funk ie, Afrika bambaataa, Run-DMC, etc. I'm not dissing other kinds of music, but it should be played on a regular hi-fi system. It makes me cringe to see/hear classic rock, country, etc. on vintage boomboxes. Vintage boomboxes are meant to be taken outside with a bunch of guys break dancing to it.

Back to the original topic here.

I don't agree. I think the classic blasters really handle rock and country the best from my experience. Yes, the old school (pre-808 note) hip hop sounds really good but doesn't hold the clarity of the music at high volume but with rock and country it does.

Post-808 note, anything is possible. Some music sounds good, others just are horrible.

Lets keep the comments on topic and clean it up a bit. If he is joking or not, it is a relevant topic.


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Lets keep the comments on topic and clean it up a bit. If he is joking or not, it is a relevant topic.
Thank you Joe. I was avoiding this topic cause I couldn't think of what to say anymore.

I personally mostly play Classic Rock. I think ithe sounds fantastic on most of my radios. But I also play 80's New Wave, hip-hop, funk, "oldies" from the 50's/60's, heck even Cyndi Lauper. Also SOME 90's stuff, but nothing newer, just because my opinion is most new music (not all) is garbage.

It all sounds good on these old beaters. Some radios obviously sound better for different types. Just the way it is. I dont feel these were madequate to often for specific types of music, maybe some were. They were made to play music period.
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