My boss at my Air Base has that lil Silver Quasar mini too. I've been trying to soften him up on selling it to me. He keeps saying "That thing? You don't want that little thing- it's been here for a long time" I'll ask him for the 5th time next month, or until he throws me out've his office.Boom Shaka Laka said:My "family" of Panasonic RX-FM15 mini's...
The four (that I know of) colors for North America, along with a National (international version with SW) and a Quasar.
Here's the front of one of the color FM-15's, not visible in the group photo:
You betcha!Fatdog said:If you ever get around to selling that pink box, let me know.
these are awesomeBoom Shaka Laka said:You betcha!Fatdog said:If you ever get around to selling that pink box, let me know.
Meanwhile, another set of Matsushitas. The midi RX-F35 is a decent sounding little bugger for its size, thanks to a loudness control, separate bass & treble, four speakers, and an ambience setting. Good and loud at only a couple of notches on the volume slider. From left to right, what you've got here are the U.S. (North American) Panasonic silver AM/FM version, the Japanese National red AM/FM/TV version, and the international black Panasonic LW/MW/SW/FM version (actually an F32L) (don't ask me to explain Matsushita's wacky numbering system). Most fun: lots of controls hidden under a panel on top.