Fatdog said:
I can't believe I'm lusting for a Sears boombox.

I like it!!
you know when i saw this boombox i almost just wrote it off when i saw the sears logo on it....
this is a imporant lesson.
here is the m9998ks little brother and even tho it is only a eight d cel box it is about 85 percent of the sound the m9998k and pretty much 90 percent of the sound of it in most cases. a excellent made radio with extremely good reception.
a very good tape deck with auto search and really good wieght.
of course this unit turned out to be a extremely good purchase for the five bucks i gave for it.
i mean this was at a used audio swap meet .
i dusted off all the shop dust from it and well.
it is like new underneath all that dust.
it was so dusty i had thought it was a shop used box in either a carpentry shop or something like that.
i was way off the mark with that guess. i think it just sat for a while in the back wharehouse where they make speaker encloususres.
so yeah that sears box is often called a m9996 and it is extremely close to that unit but.... there is a japan only sanyo model that this one is exactly like.
oh year this also wears the siemens name as well.
the same thing as the viking also came out as one of th siemen club models.
i think that sears box of mine also has some baffling between the speakers and the rest of the chassis . this it probably part of its excellent sound.