more bad news

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Member (SA)
hemiguy2006 said:
Could you imagine what shipping would cost if they actually packed these radios proper????
It cost me near one hundred dollars to ship a RX-5350 to California.
And I had shipped a GF-777 to Arizona and it cost me about 80.00 to ship.
These guys are packing these radios in boxes that are way too small (to keep the Size and shipping charges down).
Problem is they are using hard packing materials. One good drop and bye bye radio.
I agree with Norm , total crap shoot buying from China.
I got my 777 from China and got lucky, but I will never do that again. :no:
GZ you should send the guy pictures and maybe have the guy send you another 777,
He probably has a few dozen of those suckers laying around anyway.
Thanks for your kind words fellas. I've been angrier than hell these last few days
That first one I got from xd62 last September I ended up paying 500 total for after refund
.and it's now in pretty Damn decent shape....this one I just got from xiaosan I won the auction at 360+200 shipping.
I know I was taking a risk but I just really really wanted a minty 777.
I like your idea hemiguy....I know its a longshot but that's all I want is a minty one.
i'll let y'all know what comes of this


Staff member
Buy from a trusted member here, and considering how often we discuss the proper ways to pack boomboxes, I submit that your experience will hopefully be far improved, even if there is a premium to be paid (IF there is a premium, then it's worth it.).


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Buy from a trusted member here, and considering how often we discuss the proper ways to pack boomboxes, I submit that your experience will hopefully be far improved, even if there is a premium to be paid (IF there is a premium, then it's worth it.).
920 what? :-)
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