more bad news

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Member (SA)
what a crappy week.
just got my second 777 from china...xiaosan....(first one from xd62) and its damaged badly. :'-( :annoyed: :'-(
horrible packaging.....just can see the indendations in the foam from the volume and tuner knobs.

was able to repair that first one i got.....this not even gonna try
here i thought i was finally gonna get a minty 777....and i got fisted....again.

im gonna lose a bunch of money on this because of shipping.

i'll post pics when i get a chance


I Am Legend
sorry gz --
:sadno: :sadno:
that double sucks --
till now --we were all reading many recent high praise posts about china sellers :huh:

guess- its time to ask for a fair-to-you refund :hmmm:

shipping it back there will be $$ awful :nonono:


Staff member
Any seller that has a 70% or 80% good to bad rating is, in my book, a BAD seller. Compound that with ultra high shipping $$'s in the event that there is a problem and buyer protection becomes basically a joke. So risk vs. rewards is not worth it to me.

So a few guys here have had good experiences and I've always felt that was just playing with fire. You won't get burned every time, but it's only a matter of time. So like Ira said, with all the high praise here by a couple of guys, I just knew others were gonna go out thinking woohoo -- chinese connection solved. Me, I bit my tongue knowing that of the 7 or 8 good ones, there was gonna be 1 or 2 or 3 bad ones. Knowing MY luck, those bad ones would be mine, so no matter how much kudos these sellers get, MY hard earned money will stay right here in the good ol USA. Up and until those sellers get lots of supreme sustained performance, maybe spanning a year or more -- I'm not buying it. These guys are still selling so pretty sure at least some of their stuff results in positive transactions. But I'm not gonna be the next guinea pig.

GZ -- sorry for the bad news. Wish there was some magic spell I could chant that would "fix" this for you. Unfortunately, as you know, neither I or anyone else here can. Not sure how damaged it is, but maybe a huge partial refund + selling off the parts might get you back to whole again.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
GZ, boy oh no - that's way worse than what I am dealing with. Sorry to hear.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
So a few guys here have had good experiences and I've always felt that was just playing with fire. You won't get burned every time, but it's only a matter of time. So like Ira said, with all the high praise here by a couple of guys, I just knew others were gonna go out thinking woohoo -- chinese connection solved. Me, I bit my tongue knowing that of the 7 or 8 good ones, there was gonna be 1 or 2 or 3 bad ones. Knowing MY luck, those bad ones would be mine, so no matter how much kudos these sellers get, MY hard earned money will stay right here in the good ol USA. Up and until those sellers get lots of supreme sustained performance, maybe spanning a year or more -- I'm not buying it. These guys are still selling so pretty sure at least some of their stuff results in positive transactions. But I'm not gonna be the next guinea pig.
:agree: So I'm quoting Norm so it's seen twice!

But, seriously GZ, it sucks to hear the bad news. :-/ Same thing happened to me though. With the same model! From the same country! Only, it happened to me 3 years ago! So nothing has changed. :sadno: Buying from China is still crazy risky no matter who hypes it up. And I ended up having to buy a second junker GF-777 from the States to combine with my Chinese junker. :annoyed: All expenses totaled roughly $1100 for my GF-777. :thumbsdown: Way too much! And it'll never be perfect. But it's close. Hope you'll get yours sorted out. :yes:


I Am Legend
i was thinking the same conservative way that norm was -

ie --wait a year --and wait for another 20 success stories-
before feeling 'safe' about these big $$ imports-

so --i just watched a few mint conion 126 deals get sold :cool: :-)
even though i want one ..

very glad that some of you guys have lucked out and
had extreme good experiences


Boomus Fidelis
ira its always a 50/50 on boxes coming from overseas,,its the ones we get here and they get torn up :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed: :'-(

Lasonic TRC-920

As a person that see's these radio's from a far and DREAMS, it's so hard not to WANT those radios, especially when the US market is so dry most of the time.

Just not sure what to do, fight it out with the rest of you on eBay


If your going to spend a fortune an ad in the "Wanted" section and offer to PAY for what you want.....

Either way GZ, we feel your pain....I would say there are only a few people (newbies) that haven't stood where you stand. Had a dream blaster shown up busted :'-( :sad: I know I have!

Doesn't seem there will ever be a solution to this problem....


You can always come here for "Therapy" :yes:


Member (SA)

:agree: with Norm though.

best you can do is fight for a refund and hope that they give in fearing the negative feedback. if they have 70% feedback though (or was norm kidding) then you are probably sol. I think I posted that even 98% feedback is a joke sometimes, as ebay covers up a lot of foul play. 98% does not mean just 2% of buyers were unhappy.

With the rate of increase in prices, buying from a member in person is not only safer, but in many cases, cheaper than ebay. ebay is trend setting now, which means top prices most of the time, on the top boxes.


Boomus Fidelis
-GZ- said:
For the record..he had 100% feedback
I feel for you....but you got to read past posts about the Chinese sellers on here and S2G..... They really have screwed many members for years, I came real close to hitting the buy it now button on the GF777, but because of good members getting crap boxes I did not :sadno: All I can say is good luck with your claim with them ;-)


Staff member
-GZ- said:
For the record..he had 100% feedback

Buyer complains about broken boombox. Ebay policy is that you can get your money back, if you send the item back, and provide proof of delivery via tracking. The ONLY way to get proof of delivery on international shipments is to probably use express mail, regardless of service used to ship to buyer. Anyone price the cost of express mail overseas? So to pay over 50% of the cost of a transaction (item + shipping), which likely equals or exceeds the entire cost of the boombox is not very attractive. Express mail to AU is like $650 on a large boombox. So seller agrees to a partial refund if the buyer leaves positive feedback first. Buyer figures this is a far better alternative than shipping the item back at big $$ loss. The reason the seller wants positive feedback first is that he does not want to voluntarily settle if he's gonna get negative anyhow. So everyone agrees, and the seller gets POSITIVE feedback. At this point, any resolution not involving paying a $250+ return shipping cost is looking good to the buyer.

That's how a negative is turned into a positive and the feedback score is often misleading.

So the 70 or 80% that I'm talking about is 70 or 80% arriving in good shape. The rest indicates mishaps that might not have been recorded.

For the record, I just looked at the sellers feedback and it's not what I would consider stellar. There were 5 neutrals in the past 12 months out of 95 feedbacks. That is NOT good. Check it out and you'll see that many of those neutrals are for GF-777's. Additionally, there are more neutrals beyond the last 12 months not factored in and 3 negatives -- 2 being for GF-777 sales. One buyer with 1378 feedbacks claimed his negative was the first he ever left.

As for the scenario I just described above, check this out........
Very good products, seller helpful with resolving problems Member id 10dynamo86 ( Feedback Score Of 22) May-24-11 07:43
..........Follow-up by 10dynamo86 (Jun-03-11 15:35): Looks like I was tricked, I left positive feedback and have nothing left for me!
......................Vintage SHARP GF-777Z Stereo Boombox Ghettoblaster (#110678394493)

Now, I'm not trying to say the guy is a bum. Nobody has 100% negatives, so there are bound to be some good sales. Once again, all I'm saying is for my hard earned cash, I'm not gonna roll the dice and get a smashed boombox with a $250 shipping tag, then be encumbered with a decision whether or not to pay $200+ shipping to ship it back to get my money back on a $299 boombox or beg and hope for a partial refund so as not to be out or saddled with the return cost.


I Am Legend
my valued advice --

NEVER assume a seller is good or bad -- ONLY by their feedback % -
we NEED to do what wise norm :-) :hmmm: just posted
= STUDY the feedback --then make your best guess :-D

100% pos fb might be the seller often sends CRAP --slowly & poorly packed -
then ' negotiates ' $$ for pos fb

or --lets look at our fine seller/member james/67 --i think he has less
than 98% positive --does that mean he is a bad seller ?
NO --if fact -- you guys all know he always has great boxes for sale-

perhaps he got some negs --for not being a kiss-ass --
and he refused to cave and refund big $$ to some ahole//scammer
crook buyer

some buyers are scum --they overbid -- to make sure to win -
then try to find some phony excuse for their refund claim -- :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

ebay sucks for sellers --

i try to sell all my stuff to local customers -
or to you guys -
but - i do often use ebay - to sell any boxes --
that i sort of pre-know :-)
are too expensive for 'our crowd ' :-D ;-)



Staff member
OK. I just re-read the OP. Looks like I was wrong. I thought the seller was xiaosan777168 since GZ said the seller had 100% positive. But he was talking about XD62 who actually has 97.6% feedback with even worse Item-As-Described DSR's than Xiaosan777168. I won't spend anymore time analyzing this seller but my position remains unchanged.


Member (SA)
Could you imagine what shipping would cost if they actually packed these radios proper????
It cost me near one hundred dollars to ship a RX-5350 to California.
And I had shipped a GF-777 to Arizona and it cost me about 80.00 to ship.
These guys are packing these radios in boxes that are way too small (to keep the Size and shipping charges down).
Problem is they are using hard packing materials. One good drop and bye bye radio.
I agree with Norm , total crap shoot buying from China.
I got my 777 from China and got lucky, but I will never do that again. :no:
GZ you should send the guy pictures and maybe have the guy send you another 777,
He probably has a few dozen of those suckers laying around anyway.
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