Modding vs PURE Restoration ** Your thoughts on modding vs pure restoration.

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Lasonic TRC-920

I'm like a lot who have posted here. I can go for both.

Some radio's scream out "MOD ME" just because the designs were so simple, they needed some bling brought out of them. The M70 is a great radio to paint because all the control information is on the top panel.

Like Reli said, some people build stock cars to a fault.

Short Story:
I had two MG's an MGB and Midget. Both clean, show car worthy, they were both lowered, chromed out engines, roll bars, pumpin' stereo's. Every time I took them to a British car meet they would make me park in the "Modified car section" 50 yards from the action next to one other guy who had a 1957 MGA with a blown 350 V8 in it. After a while I stopped going.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder and the artist's vision. It's art. If you don't like it, go look at another picture.

Now, with all that said, with boomboxes, just like with cars, I have always liked original bodywork and chrome with everything under the hood maxed out. I do cringe at little seeing a 57 Chevy with the wheel wells cut out and big tires protruding, just like I cringe when I see a serious grail will holes drilled into it. AND usually only because I don't have one of either.


Member (SA)
It's comforting to know that MG owners are just as anal on both sides of the pond! :lol:

You've owned rubber bumper ones so you know that it's a fact that they need to be lowered (don't worry, I'm not about to blame any particular country's laws for their being up on stilts in the first place.. ;-) ) or they handle like pigs. Top heavy ones.

So I was (sorry 'bout this brief O/T excursion) at a car show a few years ago with one of my cars and there were two BGTs parked by me. One was a mint, early spec chrome bumper job that had won dozens of concours d'état gongs in the B&H series, the other was a very late LE in that lovely metallic bronze that they did. It too was a winning car but at concours d'élégance level because it was modified... by being lowered to the same ride height as that original car! :lol:

We all thought that the nice fella with the LE was going to punch the stuck up tw*t in the early example 'cos the originality nazi was having a dig at every opportunity and it was getting really personal.
Thank goodness there's none of that sort of thing in the world of electronic landfill fodder! :thumbsup:

It's art. If you don't like it, go look at another picture.
Yay! I vote that Chris wins the thread with that succinct way of saying it. :yes:

(Medal for the guy who shoehorned the small block into an A though, that must have been a close fit!)

Lasonic TRC-920

Beosystem10 said:
Thank goodness there's none of that sort of thing in the world of electronic landfill fodder! :thumbsup:

(Medal for the guy who shoehorned the small block into an A though, that must have been a close fit!)
Yeah, there is none of that here! :blink:

Modding doesn't freak me out. Sometimes it's a MUST.

There are stereo's that I look at and something feels like it's missing.

I love me a one piece silver, but sometimes, all silver, all brushed aluminum with grey trim is just boring.

I'm sure when a CplChronic UFO enters the party, those who don't suffer from a Japanese anime seizure have to get up and dance :lol: (I say that in a soft joking manner I respect those monster creations).

I think I may venture down that path. It's something I have always wanted to build if I could find the right radio. Something that's easy to work on and can accommodate the space needed to get into there. I'm not saying I would blatantly rip off his style, but I see what a stock Discolite does to a party. Bigger has to be better right? :huh:

(as for the guy with the MGA and the Blown V8 = all motor = all :w00t: )


Member (SA)
blacksnake said:
the best mods are the ones that look factory, that someone who wasn't familiar with the product would not be able to tell that it did not come that way originally.
I agree. I like a "tasteful" mod. I'm all for a speaker upgrade, dial light or a cool paint job but random flashing light holes and oddly positioned bull bars are a little much for me.


Member (SA)
Cooooool!!! :-D

Good discussion going here.... I know my tastes veer far away from the pack but that is the fun part. Letting my imagination re-invent the boombox is so much fun to do. I bet Glu can relate when he goes for broke with the crazy pastels & fine details he lays on every project or Just Crusin' & his over the top, 'Pimp my Boombox' paint jobs, like Riker's Darth Conion.or the Pez Pounder that he is still working on...

Do I bore the Maserati engine 30 over, change the cam, put on a ram air hood & install pipe dual exhaust? Fark no!!!! I keep it the fine tuned machine it is. Do I trick out the Camaro Z with all the goodies? F' YEAH!!! That's what the classic Camaro is for.....the Rodders.


A dented up stained & fully working M90 IS that barn find 1969 Z28 Camaro that starts up when you turn the key & spray some gas in the carb....ready to be BAD-ASS!!! Feel me peeps?!?!

I wanted the best of every boom-box in one. I wanted it to be rugged & reliable & have those sexy bumpers like a Telefunken, Crown, Grundig, etc. I wanted it to have some kick a$$ dial lighting. I pictured having a strobe light system that worked to music, like a DISCO lite but way more kick a$$. I wanted good power & better Bass response so it would sound kick-a$$!

And most of all, I wanted it to have that great 80's look that only the M90 & M70 can do, like no else's business. Both radios are extremely well built, rugged, feature packed & great looking boxes, all around. Hence, King Ghidorah was born to vanquish all DISCO & MOD contenders so there is no mistake, this design is completely original in design, fab, & final execution.

It is ALL Chronic, ALL day, ALL week, ALL year 'round.

Accept no imitations or limitations...

I've got other crazy ideas on my mind so we'll have to see where it takes me on my next builds....



Boomus Fidelis
i don't put my **** out there every day because i like to keep my monsters in cages until they are needed . oh trust me HELL LABS EXPERIMENTAL BOOMBOX DIVISION IS HARD AT WORK!. it's right next door to HELL LABS IRONIC PUNISHMENT DIVISION .


Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
i don't put my shiat out there every day because i like to keep my monsters in cages until they are needed . oh trust me HELL LABS EXPERIMENTAL BOOMBOX DIVISION IS HARD AT WORK!. it's right next door to HELL LABS IRONIC PUNISHMENT DIVISION .
BOOOOO_YEAAHHH!! I would love to see a thread showcasing some of your demon machines. That 12" VZ 2000 looks amazing & your use of mirror glass is pretty pimp. I want some 1 way mirror film for some effects but I haven't found the suitable materials yet....


Lasonic TRC-920

JVC Floyd said:
i don't put my shiat out there every day because i like to keep my monsters in cages until they are needed . oh trust me HELL LABS EXPERIMENTAL BOOMBOX DIVISION IS HARD AT WORK!. it's right next door to HELL LABS IRONIC PUNISHMENT DIVISION .

See, Going Big is / has been a part of BBXY since I've been coming here.

Lot's of tastes, lot's of styles.

Can we say there is or isn't a right way to do it. Modding is up to the individual creating it.

If you can step back and be blown away with what you created, then Fark it, it's good!

blu_fuz said:
Best mod box I have is the graffiti i931

That is such a sweet paint job. If I knew someone that could paint like that, I would give them my white i931 to some something similar. :yes:
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