Missed out on a big one

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Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
It's stories like these that I focus on the positive and not the negative..
That grails can still be found at thrift stores for a few bucks!..and not that TheFuzz profiles the types of people who shop at goodwill.. :lol:
Profiling.. That's funny. You learn to study people, their intentions, and behaviors. Like the old saying, "There are no victims, just different degrees of Suspects." :-D


Member (SA)
Profiling.. That's funny. You learn to study people, their intentions, and behaviors. Like the old saying, "There are no victims, just different degrees of Suspects." :-D
I was referring to your "hippies and homeless bastards" sentence.. Lets hope whoever bought it was a fellow collector who never had eBay money for a CONION, and will cherish his new boomblaster! But, there's always the chance a contractor snagged it for a "monster work radio"..:-/

For the record, I too would be peeved I missed out on a sweet local score, even more if it was a box I'll never own, like an M90..


Member (SA)
i feel your pain,brother.the nearest anecdote i can tell you from my annals of history is the gf777 a guy at a carboot was keeping for me (i had a verbal contract with him that i got all of his old radios and boomboxes regardless of cost)then decided to sell it to someone else before i got there....for ten pounds :bang: this is why i feel your pain :annoyed: then there was the guy who had a beaten up c100 in a store in 1998 and wouldnt let me put a deposit on it while i brought the balance the next day.....he had the pleasure of telling me the next day 'hah........it sold ten minutes after you left' :annoyed: i could have burnt his shop down :thumbsdown:
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