Might have hit a goldmine...or not....

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Member (SA)

I've just been researching possible sources of boxes and I think I may have found somewhere with potential. There's a charity place not far from me with a pretty decent size warehouse where all the donations are kept before putting into the retail store. Every so often, the warehouse gets opened up and the public can buy stuff straight out of it.

I had a chat with a lady today and asked if they ever get 'old radio cassettes, electronics, that kind of stuff'. She said they certainly do and the electrician who works in the warehouse looks after it all. She said to go on the next open day, chat with him and see what he's got. She also said he keeps all the stuff not suitable for direct retail sale 'in a pile'.......!!!

We shall see come the next open day.....


Member (SA)
Sounds promising,I would be counting the days if I were you.Let us know what happens with this situation and if anything good follows you home!:)


Member (SA)
I've just hit two local recycling outlets and found a total of nothing. Both places had a few pairs of nasty plastic 80's Sony / Aiwa / Akai speakers but no boxes. Counting down the days now......


Member (SA)
markoneswift said:

I've just been researching possible sources of boxes and I think I may have found somewhere with potential. There's a charity place not far from me with a pretty decent size warehouse where all the donations are kept before putting into the retail store. Every so often, the warehouse gets opened up and the public can buy stuff straight out of it.

I had a chat with a lady today and asked if they ever get 'old radio cassettes, electronics, that kind of stuff'. She said they certainly do and the electrician who works in the warehouse looks after it all. She said to go on the next open day, chat with him and see what he's got. She also said he keeps all the stuff not suitable for direct retail sale 'in a pile'.......!!!

We shall see come the next open day.....
With a statement like:

"She also said he keeps all the stuff not suitable for direct retail sale 'in a pile'.......!!!

How on earth can you be expected to sleep at night??? :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Good Luck, maybe you're on to something.

I've checked every thrift store, salvation army, catholic charities, auction house, antique mall, and flea market in a 50 mile radius and so far no boombox. I feel like Tommy Lee Jones searching for The Fugitive.

Lasonic TRC-920

Sleep easy dude, it's probably a huge pile of eggs and low rent 3 piece shitters! :-)

Good luck though, you never know.........!?

There is a man who speaks from experience.

Nothing stops me from going to thrift stores, even though I haven't found squat in years, but one must have hope


Member (SA)
Interesting to see people's thoughts on this and how we keep seeking those treasures despite failure. I regularly hunt pawn shops for camera gear and have struck lucky on many occasions (eg a Canon flash worth about 400 quid on sale for 99) so I'll keep hunting I think but not get too obsessed. Finding goodies seems to be like finding love - when you stop trying, it happens - did to me :-)


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Ah, I didn't think anybody in the UK would find a stash like that :lol:

Good luck, hope it works out :thumbsup:
Well I dunno mate - I remember seeing various boxes and stereos etc cluttering up a shipping container at our local waste transfer place back in the UK. Mind you, that was a few years back when councils first started getting people to separate out their waste rather than just chucking it all in a skip. I had some great scores from those containers - three lawnmowers (expensive ones) that just needed basic repairs, a VAX wet n dry that just needed new filters, plenty of really good BMX bikes (Haros etc) and many others. People just refuse to do basic maintenance and then bin stuff when it 'stops working'.


Member (SA)
" People just refuse to do basic maintenance and then bin stuff when it 'stops working'."

Very sad indeed, but some just don't think anyone would still want this.

As for the recycling centers, it is almost best to play your cards close to your chest as letting anyone know there is an interest in any particular item, may alert them to check values of said items and then THEY start keeping them, or upping prices, This is hard to do nowadays as there are just SOOO many pickers out there for this stuff The last couple of years has seen a big change in the number of seekers for sure.

Keep looking tho, as all you have to be is the guy who walks in when it is put on the shelf! :yes: .

Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Nothing stops me from going to thrift stores, even though I haven't found squat in years, but one must have hope
The addiction never dies! :rock:


Member (SA)
duckman said:
" People just refuse to do basic maintenance and then bin stuff when it 'stops working'."

Very sad indeed, but some just don't think anyone would still want this.

As for the recycling centers, it is almost best to play your cards close to your chest as letting anyone know there is an interest in any particular item, may alert them to check values of said items and then THEY start keeping them, or upping prices, This is hard to do nowadays as there are just SOOO many pickers out there for this stuff The last couple of years has seen a big change in the number of seekers for sure.
This is so very true. I remember years ago, during the dawn of digital photography and especially DSLRs, that pawn shops were stuffed with lovely Canon and Nikon glass because people were shedding them and moving to their 'digital' counterparts. Nowadays, even these old lenses that saw no love 10 to 15 years ago are fetching crazy prices because they can be adapted to other formats. If only I'd had the foresight to buy them up when they were being thrown away......
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