Might have been BNIB?!?! Oh the humanity!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Margo must really like me. He sent me a message on ebay!

I didn't know I had so many fans of my straps! Great guy ;-).

"How many fake boombox shoulder straps you sold ? My favorite radio was damaged. Are you still in business?"


Member (SA)
Fake boombox shoulder straps??? Haha. I'd find that funny and rude at the same time. They're authentic boombox straps in my opinion. Maybe not Factory JVC. But absolutely REAL Boombox straps.

Probably going to sell it with his $1200 M70. But that'll be really impressive if it sells.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
All of my EBay boxes have featured complimentary roach turds.
Mmmmm...... Yummy. :-)
I've bought a few boomers from Oz and I always check carefully when I open them up. You guys have too many creepy crawlies and stuff that can kill you out there!
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