Melted i931x - what to do!

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Member (SA)
Left my i931x in the car for an hour or so. Came back to find it looking like this:






I don't know what they'll do for me. The radio still works, but I haven't tested anything else yet.

I sent Lasonic a message to see what they can do.

Has anyone else seen this happen to these radios? I just can't believe you can't leave a radio in your car, lol


Member (SA)
I had an old Sanyo boombox in the car with it - not a single problem at all.

Goes to show that they may look somewhat the same, but they're just pure garbage.


Member (SA)
I wouldn't do it now, but back in the day I used to leave my C-100F in the car for days, and nothing would happen to it. I'm talking back when they were new and still sold in the stores, lol

I just can't believe they make a supposedly portable radio that can't handle the sun. I've seen people having the same problem from just using the radio outside with the sun shining on it. So are we supposed to believe it can only be used indoors or on a cloudy day?


Boomus Fidelis
Ser182 said:
Btphoto. How was the sound quality on it? does it crank up load with the iPhone?
It's pretty awesome sounding with an IPhone attached :thumbsup: I have a black one and a white I931 :-D


Member (SA)
Holy crap! I've left my boxes in the cars for days, the summer even and they never suffered like that. Are these new boxes made from recycled soda bottles? Sorry that happened to you. Perhaps being so new you can get some new pieces for it? Good luck.


Boomus Fidelis
Master Z said:
BT, you know any graff artists or are you handy with cans and markers??? Bomb the sh!t out of it. :yes:

Very sad about the damage :-/
But i would do a custom job with it :yes:

And i remember in usa those units are quite cheap.
In europe this would be a double horror.... :blush:


Member (SA)
Thanks guys. I was thinking the same thing about just doing custom artwork on it instead. I'm hoping if I whine enough and post these pics all over their facebook page and such, maybe I'll get an answer from them. So far nothing, but it's only been a day so far, lol

It sounded Ok for sure. Not the loudest boomer for sure, but it did Ok. Then again I'm used to my Conion C-100F - so maybe I'm spoiled a bit.


Boomus Fidelis
btphoto said:
ClaretBadger said:
if you respray - can i have your bottom graphic below the "tape" door?


Sure thing! Did it look Ok in the pics I posted?
Bill I'm almost certain that Lasonic will sell you these decals to get her looking good again. I know it's hard to accept but Lasonic actually is not liable and in the owners manual it states to use device only under moderate climate :-O good luck again my friend :-D


Member (SA)
I just got an email back, and they asked for my info so they could send me the stickers. They didn't say anything about prices yet, so I'm not sure if they're just sending them to me, or selling them to me.

Seriously tho. It seems this can happen if you just take it outside and the sun shines on it. So basically this is not a portable radio in the sense that you can't take it outside.
it is an agoraphobic radio I guess, LOL!!


Member (SA)
I'll still be in need of the little sticker inside the LED display window, so I'm asking if they sell that or not.

EDIT: - They just informed me that the little LED display stick is included in the set that they're sending me! I didn't see it in the product photo they have on their site, so I assumed it wasn't included, lol
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