whith the importance of that tread.
Will try to explain from other angle...Im a still new to the forum. Nobody knows my real name still (its Tony

) . From Bulgaria - small country which im sure 95% are not sure where is it

. Its kind of hard to type (something smart at least

) in non native language ( my native is bulgarian of course

, my girl is from Latvia and i cant speak latvian so im talkin whit her russian 90 % of the day and workin for German company so using some german as well. its becoming mess in my head

). But im trying. I feel myself obligated to try. Anyway - im collecting around 5 th month. In Bulgaria i know just one more real collector (he is even not lurkin here). But there are some other bulgarians here. And the strange thing - last one or two months the adds for selling boxes start with "just for collectors", "collectors item" an so on... The prices doubled

. The description is saying things like "rare" and so

. So i hate lurkers. Some other trying to snatch every box for selling in good price. Than they are giving me a call and trying to double the price.... I hope my point is sort of clean

. Was watching some stupid posts from some bulgarians just to get to the sell section as well. Im ashamed from that

. IMO our hobby is about love. Hate when somebody is truyng to make money from that. At the end the quantity is not more important than quality. So better a few hundred real users than a few thousand lurkers.

whit Norm's point a 100%.
And yes - ive sold just one worthy boombox and sell it here in boomboxery. F..k the epay, f..k resellers and lurkers. Boomboxery rules

And im going to sell (if i sell) just to guys which are known here. Its not much but is something.