LOTSA Lurkers

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Staff member
So looking over our Roster --
Seems we have 1187 members. Looking over the post counts, I have found the following interesting data:

Out of the 1187 members.......

Only 113 members have as many as 100 posts.
890 has less than 10 posts
445 members have between 1 and 10 posts.
171 members have 1 posts
445 members have ZERO posts.

If we say 100 posts threshold to not be a lurker -- then that means we have a 90.5% lurker to participant ratio
If we say 10 posts threshold, then that means a 75% lurker to participant ratio.
If only ONE SINGLE POST is the threshold to not be a lurker, then we STILL have a lurker to participant ratio of 37.5%

Looking through the member roster and searching the user posts, seems most of the low post count members basically hit the group up for information -- then disappear only to return to ask more questions before disappearing again. Because I don't consider asking questions, then splitting to be a true contribution -- all I can say is we have lots of members that like to take but not give back.

So.......... NEXT TIME you decide to do the group a favor and post up a nice fat auction for the benefit of the members, just keep in mind that there are lots of guys here that aren't truly "members" so to speak and who will gladly take and not give back. Food for thought guys.


Boomus Fidelis
Noticed that as well last year but it's just a part of any forum I expect. :hmmm:
I always try to give the true participants first crack at anything I offer. :yes:


I Am Legend
good food for thoughts , norm :hmmm:

i have been on a multi-year mission to make up for 89% of our lurkers :-)


Staff member
MasterBlaster84 said:
Noticed that as well last year but it's just a part of any forum I expect. :hmmm:
I always try to give the true participants first crack at anything I offer. :yes:

Great attitude Don. I agree with that.

What I was talking about though, was the posting of eBay auction hedsz ups. Based on these ratios, I would say there is a 90% chance that a non-contributing member benefits from the heads up than the contributing member that maybe the announcement was intended for.


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
Noticed that as well last year but it's just a part of any forum I expect. :hmmm:
I always try to give the true participants first crack at anything I offer. :yes:

Great attitude Don. I agree with that.

What I was talking about though, was the posting of eBay auction hedsz ups. Based on these ratios, I would say there is a 90% chance that a non-contributing member benefits from the heads up than the contributing member that maybe the announcement was intended for.
:agree: :agree: btw help ira with the food please :yes: :yes: :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
MasterBlaster84 said:
Noticed that as well last year but it's just a part of any forum I expect. :hmmm:
I always try to give the true participants first crack at anything I offer. :yes:

Great attitude Don. I agree with that.

What I was talking about though, was the posting of eBay auction hedsz ups. Based on these ratios, I would say there is a 90% chance that a non-contributing member benefits from the heads up than the contributing member that maybe the announcement was intended for.

:agree: with you there Norm, I've always been uncomfortable with posting the auctions for that exact reason. I don't mind the core participating members knowing but I hate the thought of decreasing our chances at auctions because we gave heads up to everybody who looks. You could say they would all find it anyway but we guarantee it when we point them to it.


Member (SA)
i think our hobby attracts more lurkers than almost any other forum I've frequented mainly because we have a lot of casual appeal.

What I mean is that anyone that finds a box, or wants a box, or wants to fix a box can search google, find us, come here, get what they need and then disappear. This isn't the fault of anyone, nor is it a negative. It's just that a lot of people aren't going to turn into hardcore boombox collectors overnight. Lots would like to, and theres been more than a few over the years who come in all guns blazing and then lose interest and move onto something else. This is always going to happen with our hobby as there are lots of people into getting one boombox, getting it working and then moving on. Lots more than there are of people making this a focussed hobby they'll be part of for years on end.

One of the things I've learned in working in the community sector is that whenever a group is to be longterm successful it needs a core group. A smaller group of people who will always be involved. These are the ones that make up, usually, the smaller amount of numbers. Then others come in and become a part of the group, and then move on too. It's how a healthy community group exists and theres little difference between real life and on here in that respect.

I don't think we should expect anyone to post lots or be viewed in any less regard if they don't post a lot. I know lots of boards where lots of people post their opnions to troll/flame/otherwise annoy people just because they can. This is the last place we want that kind of internet-mentality becoming part of the scene.

But I do understand what you mean, Norm, about the bonus non-contributors have to get inside leads on ebay sales and such, but if this content is kept to the For Sale section, then it means people have to have already contributed to access it.

I believe everyone here, with only VERY few exceptions has a healthy respect for the board and it's members and whether they contribute a lot or not it's the consistent overall tone we should be looking at beyond the numbers. This alone is an online miracle in itself.

Rock On.


Staff member
Rick is 100% right of course. However, I'm speaking more from that as hobbyists, we are also collectors who are actively in the market. This makes it a little different than other forums such as aquariasts or car or movies and such. So being that lurkers are also our potential competitors, I do feel like sometimes, we shoot ourselves in the foot. Everything is fair game but we each got to do our own work. Sometimes, we find something desirable but have no personal interest. All I'm saying is that while we intended to give heads up to the other 100 core members, we sometimes make things worse if that member in the core group already knew and is watching the auction only to see it advertised to the other 977 lurkers. I mostly advise members with a known particular interest via PM, and others have likewise given me PM heads ups.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
i think our hobby attracts more lurkers than almost any other forum I've frequented mainly because we have a lot of casual appeal.

What I mean is that anyone that finds a box, or wants a box, or wants to fix a box can search google, find us, come here, get what they need and then disappear. This isn't the fault of anyone, nor is it a negative. It's just that a lot of people aren't going to turn into hardcore boombox collectors overnight. Lots would like to, and theres been more than a few over the years who come in all guns blazing and then lose interest and move onto something else. This is always going to happen with our hobby as there are lots of people into getting one boombox, getting it working and then moving on. Lots more than there are of people making this a focussed hobby they'll be part of for years on end.

One of the things I've learned in working in the community sector is that whenever a group is to be longterm successful it needs a core group. A smaller group of people who will always be involved. These are the ones that make up, usually, the smaller amount of numbers. Then others come in and become a part of the group, and then move on too. It's how a healthy community group exists and theres little difference between real life and on here in that respect.

I don't think we should expect anyone to post lots or be viewed in any less regard if they don't post a lot. I know lots of boards where lots of people post their opnions to troll/flame/otherwise annoy people just because they can. This is the last place we want that kind of internet-mentality becoming part of the scene.

But I do understand what you mean, Norm, about the bonus non-contributors have to get inside leads on ebay sales and such, but if this content is kept to the For Sale section, then it means people have to have already contributed to access it.

I believe everyone here, with only VERY few exceptions has a healthy respect for the board and it's members and whether they contribute a lot or not it's the consistent overall tone we should be looking at beyond the numbers. This alone is an online miracle in itself.

Rock On.

I think you are right on, Glue. That's how it is with just about any type of organization. 10% do 90% of the "work/activity/support." It's kind of a different take on the 80/20 rule.



Boomus Fidelis
:agree: :agree: and in all seriousness only way to keep the lurkers out is to charge member dues but then the member count would definetly drop :hmmm: :thumbsdown:


Staff member
Superduper said:
Rick is 100% right of course. However, I'm speaking more from that as hobbyists, we are also collectors who are actively in the market. This makes it a little different than other forums such as aquariasts or car or movies and such. So being that lurkers are also our potential competitors, I do feel like sometimes, we shoot ourselves in the foot. Everything is fair game but we each got to do our own work. Sometimes, we find something desirable but have no personal interest. All I'm saying is that while we intended to give heads up to the other 100 core members, we sometimes make things worse if that member in the core group already knew and is watching the auction only to see it advertised to the other 977 lurkers. I mostly advise members with a known particular interest via PM, and others have likewise given me PM heads ups.

I agree with Rick as well, however, Norm has a major point. Not so much I'd say from the competition standpoint, but from the eBay or other online auction standpoint.

It's like this, I've seen many a "collector" making a sale on eBay. One of the first things I do is "See The Sellers Other Items" to check them out. If I notice they sell lots of shoes and other items that look like that mornings thrift store finds, well, you know the real answer.

Look at how many boomers we know that have no business having $100 opening bids or buy it nows of $600+ dollars like a JVC PC-X500 that was listed recently.

They come here, and did it at ol' s2g as well. They'll look in on some threads or do a search on Panasonic, see that an RX-7000 is worth $800 bucks in pristine condition, so their RX-DS620 must be worth at least $400.

And round and round it goes... :thumbsdown:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I know we want more members but lurkers are dangerous :nonono: . I say members that don't have a 10 count, boot them! And no one post auctions no matter how crazy the sellers or the prices are!


Staff member
blu_fuz said:
I know we want more members but lurkers are dangerous :nonono: . I say members that don't have a 10 count, boot them! And no one post auctions no matter how crazy the sellers or the prices are!

:w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :w00t:

Sheesh, Blu, you sure would make a tough moderator. :lol: :lol:

No one here is suggesting to boot the lurkers. All I'm really saying is be mindful of the lurkers when posting an auction because well intentioned as it may be, it could serve the exact opposite.


Staff member
8 lurkers wiped already? :w00t: :lol: :w00t:

That was fast. :-D

BTW, how long before a member gets wiped Bobby? 1 year with no activity?

Radio 80's FM

Member (SA)
There are always the "doers" and the "I'm along for the ride" or even worse the "I pay $$$ to get a service so provide it!".
I see it all the time at my club ( I'm the secretary). About 5 of us do everything for the 100 others!
You will find though on forums (like clubs) you get people joining but quickly loosing interest and never coming back. At my club it's about 20% of our annual members.
I'd say if no posts after a year....scub em!!!
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