Great vid as always Chris. I'm always amazed how 'soft' young people are these days! 'Is it heavy?' The only question young people back in the day would have asked is - 'How loud does it go'?

- See, people these days only consider convenience, ease of use etc etc etc. It's got to be the reason manufacturers aren't making 13 kg boomboxes anymore.
Back in the day, you had to be strong to carry these beasts around - you had to commit. And you had to know how to use all those switches, not just rely on an 'easy & intuitive menu system'!
Can't believe how many people I knew back in the day who were into boomboxes that have grown old all of a sudden and sort of chuckle when they hear I'm still into the scene - well I don't feel old, so guess what I'm doing this weekend? - taking out the Yamaha PC-8 for its' maiden voyage - doing some seaside blasting - can't wait!