Loose Volume Knob - Magnavox D8443 "Spatial" Player

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, and searched for this topic so forgive me if this is a re-hash.

Just got a Magnavox D8443 off of eBay; nearly mint except for loose volume, bass and treble knobs. I pulled the knobs off and although they function correctly, it's the actual posts that jiggle. Otherwise, box works perfectly - in fact, about to dust off the suede Pumas as I type this! :) Anyway, any thoughts on how I might correct this? Thanks in advance for your help!


Boomus Fidelis
hi and welcome to the site ,,, it depends but most have a nut and thin washer that might be loose which you may have to open her up to tighten it mostly on the main plastic frame :-)


Member (SA)
monchito said:
hi and welcome to the site ,,, it depends but most have a nut and thin washer that might be loose which you may have to open her up to tighten it mostly on the main plastic frame :-)

Thanks -- love the site so far!

Now, if by open her up, you mean literally take the thing apart, suddenly the problem seems less urgent! I am 100% not an electronics guy!


Boomus Fidelis
well mostly the good mayority of boxes are made that way somwtimes when you pull the knobs out is to look inside to see if in fact that the problem or just plain worn parts,, the shaft is made on some of aluminium or plastic but you can see if infact its just worn ,, sometimes if you can see the nut you might be able to use a longnose plier thats thin and just tighten them down,, if you cannot see anything more than likely its held from the inside or held with a plastic piece if thats broken then it may wiggle,, the the best way is to open her up if its working ok then i guess just leave it as it is its not hurting anything except the knobs wiggle a bit..... :-)


Staff member
Where are you located? If you don't have an electronoics repair shop near you you could possibly send it to one of our handy members here. I do not think a bolt is the issue on these boxes. You may have the type that have the housing soldered to the board. If that's the case don't wiggle the knobs or you may lose functionality altogether due to a failed solder joint.

Welcome aboard and if you are close enough maybe I can help! :-D


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
Where are you located? Welcome aboard and if you are close enough maybe I can help! :-D

I'm a bit north of you (I think: Ohio!) But I have an electronics guy who did some work on some deejay equipment who might be able to help. Thanks for the heads up though -- great information. In comparing the Mag D8443 to the JVC RC-656 I bought about a month ago, it's obvious the JVC is a superior product -- heavier, metal knob posts, etc., but the Mag is bigger and has a beefier sound. We'll see what happens - will keep you posted!
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