Lasonic will be selling parts for your vintage Lasonics!

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Member (SA)
just read it on Lasonics facebook page.. says they will be making replacement parts for your classic Lasonic boomboxes soon.. how cool is that.. kudo's to Lasonic! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
that is pretty clever of them.

now lets keep our fingers crossed for

more power maybe we can bug them enough to make some of there big boxes again.


Member (SA)
I hope their factories are already cranking out 931 mode select switches!

This is rockin news!!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
i sure want new ' old ' boxes.

a fresh 931 would be da bomb

or a 935...

i can only dream of it...

thanks lasonic !!!!

' respect '

Master Z

Member (SA)
I'd like to see which models and parts make the cut before I get too excited. That's really cool that they are at least making an effort. Others should follow suit.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Who would have ever guessed that the only boombox manufacturer to survive would be Lasonic...

Kudos to that company for not giving up on collectors like us!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
That's great news, Lasonic is the only company willing to step up for anything related to classic boomboxes whether new or old. I really have to give them some credit for what they've done for the boombox, even as cheaply made as some of their products are.

TRC-918 parts please. :yes:

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
I'll take a bag of mode switches for my 920
Wonder if the quantity will be bags of ten or fifteen? :w00t:
Tip O' the hat to Lasonic!!

Cheers OSS :afro:


Boomus Fidelis
it looks like lasonic really cares even thou jvc,sony,panasonic and all the other boxes who knows if lasonic pulls this one it might make the other companys to throw a box or 2 like lasonic did which jvc did the kaboom but could have made an m90 sized retro box with the ipod feature :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:

floyd have you or anyone here tried ordering these old parts from any of these
suppliers ??
for me --they all list so much ... but have so little

:agree: I tried to order some GF777 parts from one site that listed dozens of parts. One week after I placed my order they cancelled it as not available, I went back to the site and the list had shrunk from dozens of parts to just a few. Looks like they don't update their list until someone tries to order parts then they find out nothing is available anymore. :thumbsdown:
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