Now THAT is a sales pitch!JVC Floyd said:one thing i can say is i owned a brand new 935 back around 1989/1990 i saw it at the luskin's store in gaithersburg maryland . i used to go there to drool over car stereo equipment and ended up seeing the lasonic sitting up on the shelf and it was the display model and the only one they had and it was marked down because it was discontinued . i think i paid 150 some bucks for it.maybe less. about the same day gun's and roses appetite for destruction came out and let me tell you that farking 935 was and still is a one bad ass sounding loud radio.
Oh yeah man!Vintage Man said:just some pics of what's to come.....
just need to get the price right.
I was just listening to that tape yesterday! Love the inside artwork too..JVC Floyd said:one thing i can say is i owned a brand new 935 back around 1989/1990 i saw it at the luskin's store in gaithersburg maryland . i used to go there to drool over car stereo equipment and ended up seeing the lasonic sitting up on the shelf and it was the display model and the only one they had and it was marked down because it was discontinued . i think i paid 150 some bucks for it.maybe less. about the same day gun's and roses appetite for destruction came out and let me tell you that farking 935 was and still is a one bad ass sounding loud radio.
That's my favorite model as well, but I'll take either one haha, here's Eldirtydino's minty 935 at a car show a while back...View attachment 19646JVC Floyd said:my favorite is the 935 with the high fidelity grills where you can't see the speakers. only because that's the first model really the only models i ever owned.
These are so sweet. All the bling you can swing!SLO said:That's my favorite model as well, but I'll take either one haha, here's Eldirtydino's minty 935 at a car show a while back...2015-06-25 20.24.10.jpg![]()
JVC Floyd said:might not be true high fidelity but these boxes really do sound awesome and they can pound out some sound.
It will be loved for many years. thanks broTHAFUZZ said:I just sold My 935 ($200), waiting to ship it & already regretting it. Mine does have a better sound than My 975 too.
In Chris's video, Chris said both 935 and 975 boxes don't have microphones or recording capabilities. So I never bothered to try to record and thought that is just a fake button like those fake mid tweeters in both boxes.Vintage Man said:IMO, still the best of the big three Lasonic's (935, 951,975) and always the cheapest
It also doesn't suffer from the 920/931 function switch problem as it's all push button.
I'm with Fuz on the price range.
Be a hell of an addition to the family!![]()
thank you. I belive I have seen your YouTube video on functionally and features.
as well as inside the box.
Not to be a pain but....... Appetite For Destruction was released on July 27th in 1987. I remember seeing a TRC 931 for sale around that time at Woolworths in Boston for $ thing i can say is i owned a brand new 935 back around 1989/1990 i saw it at the luskin's store in gaithersburg maryland . i used to go there to drool over car stereo equipment and ended up seeing the lasonic sitting up on the shelf and it was the display model and the only one they had and it was marked down because it was discontinued . i think i paid 150 some bucks for it.maybe less. about the same day gun's and roses appetite for destruction came out and let me tell you that farking 935 was and still is a one bad ass sounding loud radio.