Just a sneak peek at the next project

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Member (SA)
Hey Modders & box freaks!!!!

I'm back with a new DISCO project. I'm modding a 2nd Prosonic I got off of Vintage Man for trade. I traded the old OTHROS, dead even for his everyday 9962, no cash. I lost a ton of money on the trade but if it made him happy, good. I'm glad it went to a good home.

So, here's my next project's phase 1.


Stay tuned....



Member (SA)
Well, I decided to modify the grills slightly from the usual flat black. I'll do a video of the difference it has on the lighting effects. Basically, I figured out how to tape & paint each side of the grill separately. That way, I could paint the outside surfaces of each grill flat black & the inside surfaces a flat white.

Next, I decided black tweeter grills look better than pure white so I decide to pull the same trick with them & paint the outside black & keep the white internal surfaces for reflection, same as the woofers.

As you can see, from the outside the grill looks black with no hint of white anywhere or at any angle. If you pop it out & look on the other side you get a rough white color but overall evenly covered.

The white on the inside is for reflecting the LED light back onto the woofer & moldings for a deeper glow & adds depth to the mod that wasn't there before... :-D

Check it out....

The pic below shows how the LEDS light up more woofer area on the right while the left LEDs are less bright & reflect less off of the moldings, etc.

In this next shot, zero light, the difference in reflected light back onto the woofer area, right from left is quite noticeable & to me more pleasing overall. As you can tell, the right woofer area is much more lit up & you can actually make out the bottom of the speaker ring because of the extra light reflected back.


Member (SA)
Uploading videos...stay tuned...

I'm also finishing off the grills & putting everything back together to test before I add more LEDs &/or MODs...

More videos to follow...



Member (SA)
Well, all 4 screens are painted white on the inside & then re-taped & dusted black again on the outside surfaces for that perfectly flat black look. You can't see any white from the outside. :yes: :yes: :yes: :clap:






Videos coming shortly....



Member (SA)
Wow very nice,I almost had a seizure watching a those cool l.e.D's a flashin'.Seriously though it looks like you have a fire judging from all that smoke.Better call the fire department,ha ha ha!!!;)


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
It's coming along nice.

One of the sweetest radio's ever made!

What's Next?

only thing left for you is a full on frankenstein monster custom job made from the parts of many junkers lol. takes me 17 boxes to cobble together 1 fully working one lol.


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
It's coming along nice.

One of the sweetest radio's ever made!

What's Next?

Thanx everyone!! :-D I still have a lot of work to do for this mod to finish. You may have noticed, it's in the testing phase before I set up the controls & remote sensors, etc. I'm still deciding on the final placement of everything to make it unique from the rest....

I'm on the hunt for some 8" boombox woofers with a 2.2 - 2.6 OHM range. If anyone has a line on good woofs, let me know...

Stay tuned....



Member (SA)
OK!! Had another idea flash into my head & I'm off to the dungeon to cook up the next twist to the design.

Stay tuned....



Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
only thing left for you is a full on frankenstein monster custom job made from the parts of many junkers lol. takes me 17 boxes to cobble together 1 fully working one lol.
Actually, I did a little of that with the king Ghidorah(M90), The DISCO Triple7 Destroyah(777Z) & the DISCO Boomzilla II(M70C). All of them have added bars, paint detailing, straps, etc. but nothing over the top like your custom sledgehammers...
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