JAytee`s categorization grading ----. GrEaT!

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Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
john --BOINK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is the turd that might be for your kids room --
you said the 707 was too big --
this MAY be the junior size turd ??
not sure --
but - do check it out -
they are supposed to sound great

http://cgi.ebay.com/PANASONIC-RXDT75-BO ... 7C294%3A50

Ira, you're killin' me.... That box is easily just as big as the 707!!!! :lol:

Instead, I'm probably going to lean towards something along the lines of this: http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-CFD-S350-P...ryZ48626QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


I Am Legend
ok -- you want small -- like nifty !! :-)
this is wifeys PURSE shaped job --
its at her work desk --
if you can wait -- these often sell on ebay for about 30 bucks -and they are good

http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-CFD-E100-CD-Ca ... 7C294%3A50

and we are sooooooooo off-topic :-P :-O :eek:fftopic:



Member (SA)
Okay... getting somewhat back on topic... I like that last one you sent, and it would go into the "mini one piece" category, rather than the egg or turd category. ;-)
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