And send your hate mail to RBJ-and-Chris-are C100-H8Rs@shut-your-pie-hole.comredbenjoe said:yo chris --never read it put that way -
but you are so spot on -- the c100f is murderous loud -- but its very tiring to listen to after 15 minutes or so
It does the job of a boombox..Dr DER said:I have never heard a j1 live.. Is it not all the great?
Chris you have a J1 ?Lasonic TRC-920 said:Oh man....this is one of those "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" threads.
I have a J1 and I have heard the C100.
IMHO, I think the C100 is louder for sure, but it causes "Ear Fatigue" over time. It has a SIZZLE to it at high volume that the J1 does not suffer from.
If you're doing battle on the street, nothing is going to top the C100. But if you're crankin' some tunes in doors, your ear's may tire with the C100.
Beyond that, it's a matter of style and taste. Both have a shock value that is unprecedented in the boombox world.
Please send all hate mail to
Lasonic TRC-920 said:And send your hate mail to RBJ-and-Chris-are