Interesting blaster carma - bitter sweet almost

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So, as some of you know I don't have a Lasonic 931 in any addition.

I saw this Rap Up edition i931 (not liked that much by members around here) on epay with free shipping. I threw a high bid of $91 and won it at $90. That's cool, it's a price I can live with considering the decal quality of them isn't great but I just wanted to represent the 931's.

Paid and was just waiting for shipping confirmation.

But, a refund was sent for the boombox later in the day :huh: :hmmm: :annoyed: .

I checked my email and he said that he dropped it and it broke so that's why the refund..... smelled fishy - new-ish ebay member, maybe didn't get the price he wanted, so maybe faked the damage or whatever..........

I emailed him and simply asked for pictures of the damage and if he would still consider selling it to me if it still works........

He replied with the pictures and he said that he was really sorry that he dropped it and that it got damaged. He said it still works just fine and that he would GIVE IT TO ME FOR FREE, just pay shipping :w00t: . He wanted to make me happy but I would have just been content with the refund he gave and moved on.

Wow wow wow wow wow :thumbsup: . So looking at the pics, the top of the case has a crack by the tuner dial but for only $25 shipped, this is a bitter-sweet type of blaster carma :breakdance: .

Ebay pic:

Damage pics:



Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I would call Lasonic and see if you can get a case!
That's a fantastic idea! :agree: That's the good thing about that Lasonic model is that you should be able to still get all the parts needed for repairs/replacements unlike other boomboxes. Congrats.


Boomus Fidelis
hell i would buy that for 25 bucks just to have another bigger louder work box :lol: .

you got a good deal i would just repair and repaint the damage :yes: .

Lasonic TRC-920

JVC Floyd said:
hell i would buy that for 25 bucks just to have another bigger louder work box :lol: .

you got a good deal i would just repair and repaint the damage :yes: .

I agree, even if it's just a beater box for the garage or the was worth it!


Well-Known Member
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I might not even repair the crack :lol: . If I do I will be painting it to match my car :drool: .



Well-Known Member
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Yeah baby! Eggplant purple - I have an intake to paint eggplant yet so I mind as well get this in the paint booth too :thumbsup: :breakdance:


Well-Known Member
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Boombox showed up on saturday in a waaaaay oversized cardboard box. The USPS lady said "is this another boombox, because it doesn't sound so good in there". :-O

I told her it was a freebie and opened it on the spot, the rattling around was the battery door and the accessory IPOD adapters.

Plugged it in, FULLY WORKING :breakdance: :surf: :sin: ;-) :yes: . Antenna is broke :-/ , battery door is missing a top tab :-/ , eh whatever - no biggie

Alright - so to review this box for you guys.

All these decals on the i931's are UGLY expecially the "rap up" edition :dunce: . WTH was Lasonic thinking :thumbsdown: .

Quality of the overall boombox :-/ blah - it isn't any better/worse than other "boomboxes" you can get now days :annoyed: but it is SHINEY black, not the bland finish of older style of a lot of other black boxes .

The Ipod function is really kick ass :thumbsup: . The display is soooooo f'n cool I couldn't stop looking at it. When playing the radio, the display shows the station and the SONG TITLE/ARTIST just like new cars have :yes: :thumbsup: . That is really cool, and the remote is just the icing on the cake :breakdance: .

OVerall - If I paid the full $150+ for a new one, I would be marginally dissapointed :-/ unless I had the white on white i931X, that one looks really nice . But if you are looking to get one, and can score it for $75 or less, I say go for it. :yes:

What needs to happen is that Fatdog makes a full decal set for these Lasonic i931's so we can really enjoy them without people talking about how ugly the decals are. Can this happen FD??????
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