I think a new boombox collector was born today

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Lasonic TRC-920

baddboybill said:
Superduper said:
The pessimist in me says that perhaps it's wishful thinking to believe this is the beginning of a future boombox collector. Cuz try as I might, I can't recall the slightest thing from back when I was 4. :hmmm:

But it certainly is a cute story. Report back in a few years with an update to this story, if you can Bobby.
I remember a few things from 3-4 years old :-D One thing that really sticks out is some kids had a ramp set up down the block and so dummy me with a tiny 12" bike with training wheels decided to try and jump it :sad: That was a mistake :-/ :lol: :lol:

I did the same thing! :nonono: :lol: The first of many head injuries!


Member (SA)
Imagine what those modern kids must miss! :'-( , we did see all that stuff in
the stores then, and could drool over the newest walkmans and stuff :sin:

now they all have ipots :nonono: :thumbsdown:
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