i just got a thing bigger than conion

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Lasonic TRC-920

shane higgins said:
the amp on these thing can push you hifi speakers really loud but the ones that come with the box seem to peak out and destort

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sorry me flash an't flash
but hope this helps for size compare

AWESOME Pic's Shane, Thanks for the comparo, and the Wheely wins again!

box boy

Member (SA)
i just replaced my discants to full range speakers :w00t: for expanded sound
if just want pics just let me know :coolpics:


Staff member
I was always curious about how well those Silvers ran given that they ate 90w of power relative to what I've heard their output is. I have a Sharp WF-939z that eats 90+ watts but doesn't sound distorted as long as you don't overboost with the EQ. :-)

box boy

Member (SA)
Jboogie2384 said:
box boy said:
i just replaced my discants to full range speakers :w00t: for expanded sound
if just want pics just let me know :coolpics:
What size are they? Selling any of those?
they just fitty if you take off the mesh and drill of the bottom so it`s just a round hole with no bottom
then just hot glued them in position and it looks nice

those full range speakers were from cambridge soundworks
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