Member (SA)
Masterdon said:"t would be interesting to get some manufacturer's statistics on how many of each model were built. Was the M70 one of the best-selling boomboxes? Is that why there's so many of them on Ebay? Or is it just because everyone says its so great, which drives demand for them?
In other words, is the reason why there are so many people looking for an M70, because they actually remember that specific model from their childhood, or is it just because people on boombox boards say they're so great?
Because I was alive back then, but I don't remember M70's at all...........but I do remember the Conions and Lasonics.
Not knocking them, just curious what motivates people."
From my memory as a child that grew up in the Bronx (and that's all i can speak from) Lasonic's and Conions were WAY later. Those are from the mid 80's.
the 90's , 70's and gf777's remind me of the early 80's , Before breakdancing was on TV .
I'll bet they sold like hot cakes, although I never saw one other than my dad's. I posted a photo of me with it on my Facebook and three of my FB friends said they used to have one and I only have about 80 somehting FB friends.
They also are high in quality enough to have lasted in large numbers all these years. But really... I think they just sold a lot of them. Just a guess, though.