I just found out something interesting...

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Member (SA)
BMoney said:
Master Z said:
Stormsven, the M70 is a legend. Period. Sure, it's a boombox just like any other. Sure, it's in the same category as a Sharp 9595 or Sencor 4800. But, the M70 kicks both those boxes up and down the street. They're not equal. Renault makes cars that are the same size as a BMW. They're not equal. You pay more money for a BMW so you have the ability to out-perform the cheapo Renault.
Wow :agree: with that. But not 100%. Any Renault Alpine against any M3 just for starters...... With the part that M70 is a really good box :agree: 100% Thats what i was trying to say was - im against the "star status" of some boxes. And I think that any collector have some personal view as well. Im not trying to say M70 its not a nice box. But this money crazyness its just insane. To spend nearly triple the price just for some "star status" :nonono: . It starting to look like some rich boys toy that way. And is not the best way for us collectors. That way soon we'll just droll over listings and posh guys are goin to be "cool" carrying some M70 :-) . I ve been all my live from the underground site of the live. So i hate when somebody is trying to put rules to follow to be "cool". Legends , star status and so are easily made whit some marketing. I prefer to have some splendid Rotel, Maranz or Sansui for that amount of money for example :yes: . And will wait for right priced M70. If no one pop up - spending the money for some other catches.


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
bad thing ??

sort of bad for thems that like to play music a quiet volumes -
and still hear//feel some bass :thumbsdown:

the m70 suks at that -
even at full bass with the loudness on-- :nonono:

the lasonic 918 or 920 wipe it at low volumes-
most good midsize boxes have much better bass output than the m70
until the m70 is cranked up

so --its way down on my list of boxes that i USE -
and i would never want to own more than one
:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: 100%
I couldn't have said it better Ira......


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
sort of bad for thems that like to play music a quiet volumes -
and still hear//feel some bass :thumbsdown:

the m70 suks at that -
even at full bass with the loudness on-- :nonono:

the lasonic 918 or 920 wipe it at low volumes-
most good midsize boxes have much better bass output than the m70
until the m70 is cranked up

so --its way down on my list of boxes that i USE -
and i would never want to own more than one
Yeah, I'm with you, I rarely take my boxes outside, so I mostly listen at low volume.

The M70 might be the loudest midsize box on the basketball court, but when you are inside your home, with the volume at only 10-20%, can it produce as much low-volume bass as the Crown 850, TPR-955, or CS-880?

I will just have to bite the bullet and spend $400 to buy one, just to see how it is. And then re-sell it for a profit. :lol:


Member (SA)
LOL! The 1990's are over. (Thank you! Yes!) Low end bass is not a top priority to me. Remember, just MY opinion. With rip roaring attitude from 1 to 10 on the slider, the M70 is king! I also want to clarify the "classic" look of the M70 as what I feel is the perfect look of a boombox, I agree, the RX-5500 is also another symmetrical design for the classic look of an 80's boombox, not no 880 ,777,D8443,etc. They look off kilter and unbalanced....again, my opinion, no hard feelings ok? If you have the available funds, I suggest you purchase an M70. They are top grade A choice!


Member (SA)
As the M70 chat continues I'd like to add my thoughts!

I think the M70 is exactly as Ira says for the sound personality, low volumes it can't compete with the rich sounds of some other midsizers that give full bass response on lower volumes. But the M70 IS massive powerhouse by comparison to virtually every other similar sized box. When their crapping out and their bass is flapping and farting about the M70 is just getting warmed up.

The main reason I don't consider the M70 a 'holy grail' is because theres so many about, for a grail to be one it needs a quest to find one and the M70s are pretty much the only really superb quality radio that seems to have been distributed evenly around the planet.

Doesn't matter where we're from on Earth we can find a n M70 probably the easiest of any of the high end classic blasters. For this reason I FIRMLY believe everyone into collecting and enjoying boomboxes should get an M70 as early in the piece as possible as they prove to be the ultimate comparison box. Not all of us get the chance to hear our boxes we spend lots of effort and time finding until the arrive and the money and energy's already been spent before we have any idea of what they sound like. Sure, there's not many midsizers that come close to the M70's power, but she's a great yardstick for how much of a % the radio in question is of an M70.

In my opinion I think any collector would be remiss to not have an M70 in their collection, but I'd not consider them a 'holy grail' by the same token.

Rock On.


Staff member
redbenjoe said:
i, of course agree with rick who agrees with me :-)

and YES --its a superb - super clean sounding powerhouse :breakdance: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I agree with Ira as well. And look at it like this, if the M70 was so great would we need the M90? :hmmm:

Probably not.

Most if not all JVC's were notorious for being weak on bass at normal listening volumes. What sold JVC's (and this was true of their home equipment) were excellent tuners and cassette decks. They were always more of a "rock" box. There are Panasonics out there that will run with the JVC natch for natch. But where is the surprise in that since they are in the same family tree. :-)

Regarding Stormsvens comments regarding Sansui, Denon, Rotel, etc.... Those are at a whole other level of engineering. But if you want to get close to home audio quality, yep, your on the right track. As great as some of the single piece units such as the CS-880 are, you can't get that kind of stero seperation as you can components.

Also, regarding the "classic" boombox look. The media and economy determined that. Components have been around just as long as single piecers. I hoped to snag one from 1966 or possibly earlier that was listed on the 'Bay. So that too is subjective. I knew a lot of kids and heck even hip-hop album covers, movies, and video that have the components in them. :-D


Boomus Fidelis
All I am going to say is that the M70 to me is a great looking and sounding bbx, but I have to agree that it really is not a grail due to the abundance of them...Furthermore I personally would not pay $1500 nor would I pay more than $400 unless it was mint and/or NIB ;-) I paid $135 or so for mine and added fresh deck belts and :superduper: rebuilt slider pots :thumbsup: I am very happy with it :-D


Boomus Fidelis
restocat said:
Reli said:
I personally think the M70 falls outside the classic look.

You are joking, right?


MOST boomboxes have at least SOME knobs :-/ Hell, even the 838 has a fine tuning knob :lol: (and some cool toggles too)

I personally think that the only reason a lot of you guys think it LOOKS so great, is because it PERFORMS so great.

It's kind of like the old muscle cars that were based on plain-jane sedans.......like 442's and GTO's and GSX's.........People think they look great only because they're fast. If they weren't, you'd never have given them a second glance.

IMHO at least :lol:

Like I said, I'm gonna look for one, to see how I like it.......But if what Ira says is true, then it probably sounds like a bigger, more powerful RX-5500.......Which wouldn't be a bad thing at all, because I love mine.......But I've heard some of you guys criticize that box too. :-/


Member (SA)
Great post Boom Shaka Laka, summed it up perfectly and all the kudos to you my friend in finding what you desire.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
Fatdog said:
Remember the recent JVC RC-M70 that sold for $1,500 on eBay? The seller for that auction, conion65, made nearly a 500% return on his original purchase. Notice that the factory boxes are the exact same one in both auctions. That was the clue. Not too bad for only spending a little more than $300.
Essay time. (Sorry, but the subject has been on my mind lately.)

I find it hard to believe sometimes, but there are folks who use eBay, not to find items they need or collect, but who use it mainly to “flip” items (buy low, sell high) and make a profit. At first, flipping seemed to me to be pretty harmless (“More power to them,” I used to say, “If they can find gullible, lazy, uninformed buyers who don’t care what they pay for things.”), and perhaps even a legitimate use of eBay (After all, there’s no eBay rule that says you have to keep what you buy!). But after encountering a few regular flippers as I went about bidding on items I collect, I finally realized that they’re actually one of the curses of eBay.

It takes lots of time, persistence, cleverness, and odd-hour searching and bidding to find unique eBay items at good prices: hard-to-find items that are so good and sell so low that it’s possible to re-sell them at a profit. And to their credit, eBay flippers are masters at those techniques. The problem is, so am I. That’s how I’ve been able occasionally to find (and win!) fantastic, must-have, rare, unique, obscure items for my collections at a decent (or, when I’m lucky, even bargain) prices.

But with flippers on the prowl (and there seem to be more of them every day), I’ve discovered that I’ve got some very serious competition. Lately, at least with some of the things I collect, I seem to get outbid on nearly every hidden gem I find. Which I could probably accept, if I knew that the item were going to another, rabid collector like me, who simply had more money to spend than I had. It becomes much harder to accept when I see the item being listed by the winning bidder a few weeks later at multiple times his winning bid.

I really only have two choices: either bid ridiculously high for a hidden gem I’ve managed to find, to try to outbid any flipper who might come along, or put in a reasonable bid, watch as a flipper wins it, and then bid on it again at a much higher price when the flipper puts it up for auction.

This is why I’ve decided that flippers are the true scourge of eBay. They don’t buy to save/collect/treasure/enjoy an item. They buy simply to make a profit. And, as a collector, they make my “finds” cost much more than they would/should if flippers weren’t around.

Obviously, it’s pointless to wish flippers would go away. I can no more make that happen than I can keep eBay sellers out of thrift stores. (Sadly, low income folks, who use thrifts to find cheap necessities, and collectors like me, who come to find hidden gems, now have to contend with hoards of resellers who do nothing all day but travel from store to store scooping up bargains they can hawk on eBay at a profit.)

My only solution has been to try to wean myself off of eBay as a source for collectibles and take a giant step backwards: try my luck at the flea markets, rummage sales, and the collector shows that still exist. Yes, there are fewer of them than ever before (again, thanks to eBay). They occur less often, there aren’t as many sellers at each show as there once were, the selection is worse than it used to be, and the shows are much more scattered around the country. There certainly are fewer shows than ever where I live, so I try to keep up with the national collector show calendar and do a little more traveling than I used to do to hit the good ones.

But every time I negotiate a price with an in-person seller that’s lower than his asking price, as opposed to bidding up an eBay seller’s item way beyond his asking price, I feel satisfied. Because, despite the time and effort and money I expend traveling to shows, and despite the more limited selection, and despite having to walk endlessly up and down aisles in old, dimly-lit buildings, and despite the time I waste chatting with sellers and eyeballing their items close-up, I know I am, in fact, beating the system.


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah, I used to "flip" stuff a few years ago........motorcycle gear, like leather suits etc........I would pick them up in the late autumn, and flip it in the spring. At first it was stuff I legitimately wanted for myself, but I quickly discovered that if I didn't like it, I could re-sell it for a profit by taking better pictures and posting it on Sunday night. So I kept doing it.

That was back in the early and mid 00's when most people were clueless about Ebay.......and there weren't many brick-and-mortar stores selling their stuff on there. I had people emailing me, asking if I had a jacket in a certain size, because they assumed I was a legitimate retailer. :lol: People were so clueless back then. But now, EVERYONE uses Ebay, so it's harder to beat the system.

Personally, I think there's no advantage to listing on Sunday night anymore, unless it's a true grail. If it's NOT a grail, then people will ignore your auction because they're busy bidding on the ones they REALLY want. IMO it's better to list non-grails on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.


Boomus Fidelis
Master Z said:
Good for him, he didnt force anyone to buy it at that price. There will always be suckers out there.
Make that money! :devil:

:agree: But from my perspective that buyer paid way to much. Flipping items only works well when there are buyers with deeeeep pockets.


Member (SA)
Well deep pockets normally get whatever someone wants and/or they can do whatever they want. And as much as I hate 'flipping' and people with more loot to spend getting items i think i would 'use or love' more, that's of course not how the worlds works. I might have more money than the next collector and so on, so that's just how it goes.

I mean, who wouldn't wanna be this guy with his dream collection of cars...

So if i/you were this guy and has a ton of money to burn, you telling me you wouldn't overpay to get all the fun toys you ever wanted? Cars or boomboxes or anything, if you're coming to the table with 'money is no object', you could bid 2G on any boombox on ebay you want, and win em all as what do you care if it's $200 or $2000 if you have deep pockets.

So I'll apologize now, if I ever win the lottery and have money to burn I'll be that guy way overpaying for boxes I want. It's all relative of course cause if Bill Gates decides he likes boomboxes, I'd have no chance.

Just hope I'm not DecentMan4You as he seems a bit 'off'. But if he ever dies (probably from a shelf of 10 777's falling on him), I'd think about 95% of this message board will be at his Estate Sale. I'll just want the ones he hasn't touched yet.


Member (SA)
The bottom line is the M70 is great to look at, has the right dimensions, its proportionate in width,height, has plenty of features, and its the best radio to have with you when you need to get the party started. if it used 16 watts like the Sanyo M9935K, and had comparable sound like the M9935K, I still would like the M70 for its looks, so performance isnt top priority to me......it just so happens JVC got it right with the M70......even if it has way too many sliders and hardly no knobs. Oh, and by the way, I would take a Gremlin X or a Maverick Grabber over a Pontiac asscheck any day! :lol:


Member (SA)
I need more boxes to know for sure.

YAH! :superduper:

I need a M90.

HEY! I saw something about the M71. Anyone have one of these? As far as I can tell, they are 'champagne' colored and that's the only difference between that and the M70.


Staff member

I love how the M70 has taken the chair and it has put you on the floor listening intently to what it has to play... :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
"t would be interesting to get some manufacturer's statistics on how many of each model were built. Was the M70 one of the best-selling boomboxes? Is that why there's so many of them on Ebay? Or is it just because everyone says its so great, which drives demand for them?

In other words, is the reason why there are so many people looking for an M70, because they actually remember that specific model from their childhood, or is it just because people on boombox boards say they're so great?

Because I was alive back then, but I don't remember M70's at all :huh: ...........but I do remember the Conions and Lasonics.

Not knocking them, just curious what motivates people."

From my memory as a child that grew up in the Bronx (and that's all i can speak from) Lasonic's and Conions were WAY later. Those are from the mid 80's.
the 90's , 70's and gf777's remind me of the early 80's , Before breakdancing was on TV .
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