i found a lasonic Trc-931 could you advice me, thanks

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Staff member
True dat. You just kinda develop a feel for who is serious and genuinely enthusiastic about the hobby and who isn't.

In this case, Hi I'm a woman and I live in Mexico (with perfect English) and found this BOOMBOX in someone's basement and wanna sell it but pawnshop only offers $70 (in Mexico?) so who can help me? Oh and please "chill out" (they say that..... in Mexico?)

Eh... My gut tells me, nah it's doubtful this person is gonna be here next week, or even tomorrow. SOMEONE'S basement? Please.


Boomus Fidelis
i have seen a few people lately that have joined then instantly ask for help finding parts and once they get the parts they are long gone . i have no mercy anymore and i will only help people i know . so my words of wisdom when dealing with newbies is **** EM' .

let these guy's fix it themselves and concentrate on your own collection. most likely these trollers are not who they claim to be . if the newbie really cares about boomboxes they will have to spend money to prove it .

that poor little me story is tired and nowadays i just don't give a **** anymore . i'll do whatever i can for my friends but i won't lift a ****ing finger for these ****ing cry baby newbies . oh i agree with norm and it hurts to be nice at times as much as i want to be.


Member (SA)
Those are pretty good pictures for a "newbie"???? Wasn't aware that they're were a lot of basements in Mexican houses?


Member (SA)
Styleking said:
Those are pretty good pictures for a "newbie"???? Wasn't aware that they're were a lot of basements in Mexican houses?
The houses are pretty much basements. Haha.

Just kidding of course.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
I'm well aware what he/(she) said Jimmy. When the first thing out of a person's mouth is "I'm a woman" it suggests that some accomodation is in order.

Back in eBay's infancy, I once got scammed by some guy claiming he had months to live on account of his cancer. So being the kind gullible person I was, I traded him my $6,000 commercial radio system so he could communicate with his famiy during his final days, and I got a bunch of crap in return and he never fulfilled his end of the bargain. I thought maybe he died when he stopped communicating. Imagine my suprise when I discover 5 years later than his feedback score increased by hundreds and he was actively buying/selling. Stories of these litter my life.

It wasn't that long ago (many years actually) when we had a member here perpetrate a charade that fooled most everyone, all for the purpose of gathering sympathy and to take advantage of peoples kindness and generosity. That person was subsequently banned when the charade was exposed.

Bottom line is that on the internet, there's far too many instances of people masquerading to take advantage and over the years, I've now grown skeptical of people whom I don't know. Too easy to get taken advantage of and I hate getting duped and scammed, been a victim too many times not to have it affect me.

So, once again, first words are "I'm a woman," makes me think maybe there's an agenda here and just maybe Gabriela is really Gabriel?
What kind of person comes to the boombox fourm with a charade for sympathy???? Really? Whats next- somebody joins and tells us their lifetime collection of CF-100s and M90s was confiscated because their girlfriend was a drug dealer and the house got raided! lol

But now that I think about it, I guess that really could happen - I mean there is that Nascar driver who's saying his babe was an hitman! lol


Member (SA)
Well my house was broken into last week, and my 5 M90's, 3 5350's and my BB40 were all stolen.

Having a 3 month old baby, I can't afford to replace them and the insurance company is only offering me $50 each.

I was hoping you guys could help a member out?

Only kidding. I've yet to have any of those.


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I wish I could get classic car style in surance, or "True Value" and just insure my radio's for a $1,000 each. :lol: :yes: :-D

Upppps, had a fire!

(I rent so fark it!)
Classic car style policies are good as far as they go, but imagine if they offered a similar limit on boombox usage as some car policies do on annual mileage for classic stuff!
I can just imagine some insurance person arguing that the policy holder's valuable, rare boombox
a) wasn't covered because the owner was the one who spilt the beer in there in the first place and
b) that the owner of the box had already used it to play 15,001 hours of tape recorded music since taking out the policy and as such had breached the limit set down in the policy schedule.

I added my higher value boomboxes, record players and other classic bits of equipment as separate items for the first time when home insurance renewal time came round a few years ago. The very patient woman in my broker's office said "yes, we can add these items but I don't see why you'd want to because - if you look at the small print - you'll see that any electrical item will be replaced with a new one of equivalent or higher value so if any of these things were damaged by flood water, stolen during a break in or otherwise lost or damaged, we would simply send you a cheque and you could have all new stuff!" :blink:
Oi. :bang:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I do have my collection insured. Added it up a few months ago for retail value of the boxes and it was close to $13k and I only have 30ish boomboxes.

Gordy's has to be well into the $50-75k knowing how many C100's he has alone.... sick.


Member (SA)
**** where are you located maybe I would be interested in buying it and fixing it or just using it for parts ...


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
I do have my collection insured. Added it up a few months ago for retail value of the boxes and it was close to $13k and I only have 30ish boomboxes.

Gordy's has to be well into the $50-75k knowing how many C100's he has alone.... sick.
Easily $125k....

Lasonic TRC-920

Beosystem10 said:
Classic car style policies are good as far as they go, but imagine if they offered a similar limit on boombox usage as some car policies do on annual mileage for classic stuff!
I can just imagine some insurance person arguing that the policy holder's valuable, rare boombox
a) wasn't covered because the owner was the one who spilt the beer in there in the first place and
b) that the owner of the box had already used it to play 15,001 hours of tape recorded music since taking out the policy and as such had breached the limit set down in the policy schedule.

I added my higher value boomboxes, record players and other classic bits of equipment as separate items for the first time when home insurance renewal time came round a few years ago. The very patient woman in my broker's office said "yes, we can add these items but I don't see why you'd want to because - if you look at the small print - you'll see that any electrical item will be replaced with a new one of equivalent or higher value so if any of these things were damaged by flood water, stolen during a break in or otherwise lost or damaged, we would simply send you a cheque and you could have all new stuff!" :blink:
Oi. :bang:
Yeah, I haven't looked into insurance. Those companies will look for every possible loophole not to pay out.

If it all gets trashed, "Well, you didn't have 'Earthquake' insurance", "Well, you weren't covered for smoke damage", "Well, you used them too much", "You farted in the room with them", "You let others see them", "The light of day has touched them", "You let them come in contact with AIR".

:bang: :thumbsdown:


Yes, we are way off subject, but this is a better thread now! :surf:
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