i found a lasonic Trc-931 could you advice me, thanks

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Member (SA)
Mi name is Gabriela and i found this in someones basement, could you advice me about it, the cassete works and sounds right, the selector button dont work :(

i posted this in other thread and im sorry, yeah i want to sell this, but i just ask for some help for doing it, sorry okay????



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We will not tell you how much something is worth. The only way to figure it out on your own is to search sold auctions on ebay.

You have a 2nd generation Lasonic TRC-931. It is the 2nd label design for the 2nd generation Lasonic TRC-931.

The broken selector switch is a very common problem that these brand boxes suffer from. It does hurt the value a lot. Everyone is looking for a 931 with a working switch because there is no quick fix for a broken one, which is sad.

All corners were square until the "3rd" edition came out.
1st edition:
Led's on right

2nd edition(s):
Led's on left, dual antenna, brown power button decal
Led's on left, dual antenna, yellow/blue power button decal
Led's on left, single antenna, yellow/blue power button decal
(these also had variations for the position of the headphone jack, not sure which for what without searching, autoreverse decks, and other small details)

3rd edition:
Still dual cassette but now has rounded box corners

4th edition:
CDX-931 still dual cassette, CD player, rounded corners

5th edition:
i931 ipod dock

6th edition:
i931x ipod and ipod touch dock

7th edition:
i931Bx ipod and ipod touch dock, and blue tooth

This is my brown label 2nd edition 931 that I kept. I had a few others over the years but this was my favorite.

This is my custom painted 5th edition i931. Also one of my favorites!


Staff member
Oh, please stop this madness. How many times are you going to post the same thing in different sections. You realize that the very same people are reading ALL of your posts, right? We are only going to read it so many times before we get really annoyed. And to be completely honest, I suspect that you are not Gabriela but rather, the guy in the photo who is holding the boombox, unless HIS name is Gabriela. Of course I might be wrong but everything else still applies.


Member (SA)
There's a guy in the picture? Where? Lol.

Anyways. It is a very fun boombox you have there, but like blu-fuz said, with that selector broke it won't be worthe much. It's a near impossible fix.

I tried it once and got it to work, but it was extremely time consuming and not worth doing. I would suggest using it and enjoying it. If it's stuck on tape or phono, you can plug in an ipod or similar.

They sound great, use it. You'll love it.

Lasonic TRC-920

trippy1313 said:
There's a guy in the picture? Where? Lol.

Anyways. It is a very fun boombox you have there, but like blu-fuz said, with that selector broke it won't be worthe much. It's a near impossible fix.

I tried it once and got it to work, but it was extremely time consuming and not worth doing. I would suggest using it and enjoying it. If it's stuck on tape or phono, you can plug in an ipod or similar.

They sound great, use it. You'll love it.
I would not say impossible... :-D



Staff member
trippy1313 said:
There's a guy in the picture? Where? Lol.
You have to see his other posts. He has 7 posts total and three of those posts were used to start different threads in three different locations (including feedback section), all with the same question.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
You have to see his other posts. He has 7 posts total and three of those posts were used to start different threads in three different locations (including feedback section), all with the same question.
Aah I see. That could be a woman.... or her husband? Lol.


Staff member
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
It's a dude
Mispelled. Maybe it should be Gabriel and not Gabriela.

Sorry but I've been around too long and got duped and played by too many people masquerading online as someone they are not to gain sympathy and illicit a positive response. I'm now wiser, or at least just more skeptical. :lol: :-P
Superduper said:
Mispelled. Maybe it should be Gabriel and not Gabriela.

Sorry but I've been around too long and got duped and played by too many people masquerading online as someone they are not to gain sympathy and illicit a positive response. I'm now wiser, or at least just more skeptical. :lol: :-P
Quote from it's original thread: 'Im a woman from Mexico, and i found this boombox in someones basement' :-)


Staff member
I'm well aware what he/(she) said Jimmy. When the first thing out of a person's mouth is "I'm a woman" it suggests that some accomodation is in order.

Back in eBay's infancy, I once got scammed by some guy claiming he had months to live on account of his cancer. So being the kind gullible person I was, I traded him my $6,000 commercial radio system so he could communicate with his famiy during his final days, and I got a bunch of crap in return and he never fulfilled his end of the bargain. I thought maybe he died when he stopped communicating. Imagine my suprise when I discover 5 years later than his feedback score increased by hundreds and he was actively buying/selling. Stories of these litter my life.

It wasn't that long ago (many years actually) when we had a member here perpetrate a charade that fooled most everyone, all for the purpose of gathering sympathy and to take advantage of peoples kindness and generosity. That person was subsequently banned when the charade was exposed.

Bottom line is that on the internet, there's far too many instances of people masquerading to take advantage and over the years, I've now grown skeptical of people whom I don't know. Too easy to get taken advantage of and I hate getting duped and scammed, been a victim too many times not to have it affect me.

So, once again, first words are "I'm a woman," makes me think maybe there's an agenda here and just maybe Gabriela is really Gabriel?
I think we all have been scammed here at some stage. How many times do you see a new member join up saying they've found their childhood box and need some free advice and free parts to get it working just like the old days. They get what they want and then disappear and then the box ends up on Ebay for a tidy profit.

Now obviously there will be plenty of new members who are genuine but those new members tend to hang around.
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