I don't normally brag... but.....

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Boomus Fidelis
killer boom box , like stated before i love me some turn table boxes hell i own 4 vz 1 jvc turntable boxes. 2 of the vz's are hunks of shiat but they still count lol. the jvc out weighs the vz 2000 so i don't use it because it's just too much . makes the pc 55 look like a light weight.


Staff member
After searching specifically for one of these for years (they are ultra hard to find in any condition), I somehow found and purchased a brand new in box example about 6-7 years ago and still haven't unpacked it yet. The weight of the system is just crazy heavy. Anyhow, I almost wish mine wasn't new since then I would feel better about not treating it with kids gloves. But as I paid an arm and 1/2 a leg for mine, I'm trying to preserve it for a bit longer before I enjoy it.
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