I am declaring a KING !

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Member (SA)
Good points BeverlyJean, but I can't crown a champ based just on affordability or features, I would have to look at every aspect, quality, how many models, features , flash, sound quality, ect.

There is not a portable production model that built yet that has more SPL than a JVC RV-B90, but it isnt a radio that was produced to the classic visual standards of vintage so no major crown points for that, but Panasonic has more models than anyone with features and high price tags that prevented the general public from purchasing for outdoor blasting, so now what points scale can I use ? I am pretty sure, and I hate to say it, that if you took the entire JVC line vs the entire Panasonic line, that Panasonic would have more dominating models. If anyone has a database and can confirm or deny that claim, I would love to know which company had the most portable stereo models and such. Would be interesting and I might actually be wrong. For the crown of overall domination in the realm of boomboxes, entire product lines from 1st model to last model and all models in between must be considered. Panasonic may have the edge. Could someone with a database chime in ?


Member (SA)
Great topic!!

I have heard one Panny and that was back in 1983, can't remember the model number but it was very good. Joining BB showed me they had an amazing range of models. I just want one of those top models to park up forever :-P

I would agree with JVC.




Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
vladi123456 said:
baddboybill said:
Ok are we talking about past :huh: or are we talking about who is king of industry for being around and still manufacturing these wonderful pieces of history we collect :hmmm: if this is the case then it's between JVC and Lasonic since they are really the only ones manufacturing the real boomboxes and kabooms for over 2 decades ;-)

Sony has been making boomboxes all along - and they still do, I believe?
Yeah, but it's not original 80-90's design.
http://www.google.com/m/products/detail ... CBUQ8wIwAA

Yeah, but neither is JVC. I was just saying that there are not two, butat least three companies still making boomboxes :-)


Member (SA)
For Pete's sake... just give it to the


Here's why JVC is the winner: The M70 is the most common grail on Epay and consistently bids like a grail. It has classic bbx styling, yet it's still not even the top box on the most-wanted list. The M70 also speaks to popularity when they came out as well as quality. I'll bet if you were to put the JVC M70 or M90, up to ANY comparable grail with the same popularity and price-point, NOTHING sound-wise NOTHING stacks up.

As to the styling: JVC is SO FREAKING AMAZING, it didn't have to put LEDs or colors all over it just to sell. It relies on it's cool sleek styling, but more so, it's sound. They left it to the straps (BLU FUZ!!!!) to get freaky with styling. Besides that, my avatar wouldn't look half as cool if you substituted it for a Conion, Lasonic, or anything but a M90.

It still was featured by prominent artists like LL Cool J, for example. Thank God Madonna didn't do her fancy dance on a M70 or I wouldn't be able to own even one of the two I have now.


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


No Longer Active
The best looking box that JVC/Victor made was the 838, in my opinion. The M90 and M70 are boring as hell to look at...

Haven't heard another 1-piece box that beats the M90 in overall sound tho. :cool:


Boomus Fidelis
JVCs are ok, but they used too many sliders, instead of knobs which are more trouble-free and easier to make small adjustments. In my opinion at least.

My vote is Panasonic. Of all the boomboxes I've purchased, I've noticed that Panasonics have the least amount of problems when they arrive. They age very well. :yes: Panasonic = high quality for all their audio products. Are they a Nakamichi, no of course not, but they didn't play in the "niche" market. They played in the mass market, but their products were always the best quality of the mass market. For example, if you need an electric shaver, Panasonic is the best deal. If you buy one of the European shavers, you have to pay twice as much to get the same features, and they aren't as reliable. And if you want a rice cooker, everyone says get a Zojirushi, but they don't know what they're talking about. You can get a Panasonic for half the price, with the same number of features, and it will last just as long if not longer.

Panasonic doesn't play around. They don't try to be trendy or flashy. They are like buying a Lexus or Infiniti rather than a BMW. You might get more prestige with the BMW, but you will pay more and it will be in the shop more often.

The one thing you don't usually get with Panasonics is a ton of bass......but I believe that is because they viewed themselves as being "mature/conservative" and did not want to sell a boombox that distorted early, risking a low-quality feel. Now, I have heard that the 5350 has great bass, but I've never heard one of those.


Member (SA)
hollyrockets said:
kaboomer said:
.....I may have to split the crown and King Panasonic as well ! If it was not for the Kaboom series of blasters, I am not sure that JVC would come out on top of Panasonics quality line !!!

This is a tough one, Panasonic def had MORE quality sets in the game..... Ummmm , I reserve the right to split the crown...

Tough call, rule out production of the Kabooms and I would need to favor Panasonic !
:annoyed: now what ?

Stop being a wuss ;-) and just


Sheesh.... :annoyed:
:lol: :lol:


No Longer Active
stormsven said:
Second - the LEDs are actually helping visualizing the beat, picks and downs of the music (any DJ will confirm that) and are really helpful thing (we are not talkin about discolite here).

I love LED meters for the simple fact that you can see 'em in the dark... from across the street. :cool:

And if they're green, from down the street. :cool:

Needle meters are great too, but without constant illumination, the box has no life in the dark.


No Longer Active
Just really noticed that the only Panasonic box I have is a mini... Guess I'm not much of a Panasonic fan. :cool:


Member (SA)
Does a National count as a Panasonic? I really like those, too.

Maybe a dumb question, but just wanted to be sure...


No Longer Active
Kenpat said:
Does a National count as a Panasonic? I really like those, too.

Maybe a dumb question, but just wanted to be sure...

Yes it does! ;-)


I don't own any JVC's, only 4 Victors... Strictly Japanese! :cool:


Member (SA)
Kenpat said:
Does a National count as a Panasonic? I really like those, too.

Maybe a dumb question, but just wanted to be sure...

Yes it does! ;-)


I don't own any JVC's, only 4 Victors... Strictly Japanese! :cool:

Victors are the same, aren't they?

:-) :-) :-)
:yes: :yes: :yes:

Oh and about the Panasonic bass response thing... bass is a big deal. The M70 has such a clean, full bass sound without distorting (does depend on the mix sometimes, of course) ... its amazing to me the speakers are as small as they are.


No Longer Active
Other than the Japanese lettering, 100v power requirement and 90 MHz maximum for FM (on some models), there isn't much difference.


My similar sized Toshiba BomBeat RT-9990 puts the M70 to shame when it comes to bass and overall sound. :cool:

After finally owning an M70, I don't see what the big deal is... Probably blow the 9990 away in a battle of loudness tho.


I Am Legend
sort of agree with thafuzz..........

jvc took a huge $$$$$$$ risk in the molds and the guts of their kaboom design -
dont forget -- prolly NONE of those parts were usable in any of their other lines-
it was an all or nothing gamble-

therefor - and as their final top-off for all their other good prior boxes-
they earn the king award for this 20 year success story :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
sort of agree with thafuzz..........

jvc took a huge $$$$$$$ risk in the molds and the guts of their kaboom design -
dont forget -- prolly NONE of those parts were usable in any of their other lines-
it was an all or nothing gamble-

therefor - and as their final top-off for all their other good prior boxes-
they earn the king award for this 20 year success story :thumbsup:


:yes: :yes: :yes:
:surf: :surf: :surf:

:-D :-D :-D


I Am Legend
oh holly -
just in case the notion has not struck you yet.......

GET A JVC KABOOM................like NOW !!!


Member (SA)
hollyrockets said:
For Pete's sake... just give it to the

Besides that, my avatar wouldn't look half as cool if you substituted it for a Conion, Lasonic, or anything but a M90.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Gotta respectfully disagree with you on the "Coolness" factor for your avatar (which I dig, BTW) but I think the the Conion C100F would look better to be holding. Sorry for going off topic. Okay, back to business...... :-D :-D
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