huge $$$ 838 sale !!!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I was watching that one too - I'm so glad I hit a $75 buy-it-now last week on one that is minty :yes: :drool: .

These prices make me want to sell all my boxes, but what kind of collector would I be with no boxes :huh: :lol: ?

shane higgins

Member (SA)
as soon as you see a zero feed back bidder you know its all fake and there pushing the prices
i find mine on the side of the road so up the prices as it dont bother me
i have only ever sold (swapped) ONE BOOMBOX AS YOU CAN SEE IAM A HORDER
:sadno: :sadno: :breakdance:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, that 0 bidder bumped it up to over $500 but f***f( 1860) won and will probably pay. Good for the seller :yes: .


Boomus Fidelis
When I see these auctions It makes me glad I have already built a collection I'm more than happy with. :yes:
If I never bought another boomer off of ePay I would be just fine. :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
maybe not so, don- ??

SOMETHING always pops up on ebay - that you need desperately-
but you never even heard of it - prior to the listing - :-D

it happened to me --on ebay --about an hour ago !!! really :-) :-O :-)


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
maybe not so, don- ??

SOMETHING always pops up on ebay - that you need desperately-
but you never even heard of it - prior to the listing - :-D

it happened to me --on ebay --about an hour ago !!! really :-) :-O :-)

I have willed myself to pass up many of those occasions in the last 6 months. :'-( :-D :nonono: :-O :thumbsdown: :thumbsup: :hmmm:


Member (SA)
I told you the values went up :lol: but Noooo. I'm telling you. Regular Buyers out there are preparing for summer fun. It's overpriced for us boomer fans but they think its the right price.

US = :nonono: :thumbsdown: THEM: :thumbsup: :ebay: BID BID BID!!!!


Boomus Fidelis
That dude didn't deserve even $200 for that box. His description was very limited, no comments about how well it works (he just thinks we should trust him about that), and he didn't have enough photos. Plus in my opinion even if that box WAS in near-mint shape it isn't worth more than $250-300. Sure, it's a very well-built box, but it's no M70 in the sound department........ and it often suffers electrical contact problems.


Boomus Fidelis
I was watching this one also and like so many times before it is tax season helping the boomers skyrocket in price...Because of my taxes I was able to purchase a few georgeous grails including Conion c100, Sharp GF767 and my new National RX5700 :thumbsup: But I believe I was fast and smart and was able to get these at a fraction of what they could have went for :-O Some buyers are just bidding like its the last boomer on ebay :huh: :hmmm: :hmmm:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Chris, I have been going through your thread because my 838 is on the way and I will be opening it up for a good cleaning.... Hopefully everything will be working. Yours is nice because it is the Victor :drool: .


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
I was watching that one too - I'm so glad I hit a $75 buy-it-now last week on one that is minty :yes: :drool: .

These prices make me want to sell all my boxes, but what kind of collector would I be with no boxes :huh: :lol: ?
Apparently a rich one!


Staff member
I hope the buyer is happy with it, because he took a huge $$ risk trusting the seller's description.

Because from what I can see, the tuner glass has scratches and the top aluminum edge has dings. How can that be mint, new condition?

In my opinion, it's a good used example but not mint and certainly nowhere near new.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
I hope the buyer is happy with it, because he took a huge $$ risk trusting the seller's description.

Because from what I can see, the tuner glass has scratches and the top aluminum edge has dings. How can that be mint, new condition?

In my opinion, it's a good used example but not mint and certainly nowhere near new.

I took a closer look and you're right. Seller was misleading...


Member (SA)
That's some LARGE deniro for an 838!

I think i'll stick with Chris's idea and try and land one off yahoo...

Rock On.

fresh produce

Member (SA)
The epay seller lives in my area he was trying to sell some of his boxes on Craigslist first I made him a few offers on a lot off his boxes but he turn me down on all of them I could see why :thumbsdown:
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