How you place boomboxes in your home?

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Member (SA)
stereomad said:
As you can see I've made the most of the space I have......spent hours moving boxes around to make more space for another boomer!
This hobby is not a easy one to have in terms of space as they demand so much of it!
I'm currently looking for a new place to live and allowing a extra bedroom for my boomboxes and making sure there is plenty of wall space!
Holy crap Lee!

***DROOOL*** :drool:

That is all, carry on :-)


Boomus Fidelis

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Here's mine---but there are now four more shelves and the floor beneath the shelves are filled as well---time to put up more shelves!


Member (SA)
I like pretty much Eli's boomboxes placing! It's like a very clean design! I remember that Max Poser has something similar with White shelves! I'm thinking about building a White shelves system with OSB background..what you think about it?!


Member (SA)
stereomad said:
As you can see I've made the most of the space I have......spent hours moving boxes around to make more space for another boomer!
This hobby is not a easy one to have in terms of space as they demand so much of it!
I'm currently looking for a new place to live and allowing a extra bedroom for my boomboxes and making sure there is plenty of wall space!
Lee! Holy Cow! You have some VERY desirable ones in Your collection. Well done Sir. :bow:
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