Hot Damn! This just arrived today!

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Member (SA)
Nice find! Congrats!

There's probably not that many of those out there these days, in whatever condition.

......So to find an unused one still in its wrapper is a massive bonus.

Great find!



Staff member
Congrats man! Nice to find the super rare stuff...are ya gonna use it or treat it like a prisoner of plastic... :-D


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
Congrats man! Nice to find the super rare stuff...are ya gonna use it or treat it like a prisoner of plastic... :-D

Nope, not gonna use it...

Of course... I will use my other one instead.


Member (SA)
could you or someone post a photo of the wiring and or din pin wiring of the R-15E ?
(and or the R-30E)
seems to be a bit of discussion about what models these remotes work on.

i just bought a brand new looking R-30E and it looks identical as i can tell as the R-15E
and from the various posts it sounds like it might just work on the M80 ! and if so probably
the M60 as well !

i will post a photo of the R-30E wirings or whatever info i can that comes with it
since it does have the manual therefore it may show something i guess.
when i get it.

Really want a R-15E for my M80 and M60
yet if the R-30E really works then like wow whatever


cloth ears

Member (SA)
Congrats !!

I love finds like these, you just can't beat that feeling of finding something you realy want that is new in its box

:drool: :drool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :drool: :drool:


Member (SA)
i got my R-30E and made a new post about it in the general chat category.
duhh, sorry for asking if the R-15E was for sale ....i mean like as-if
now that i have a remote (or two) i totally know that no matter what i paid
am very lucky to have found one and would be hard to part with :)

HEY oldskool69 !
i crack up everytime i see your avatar with the
Alfred E Newman head . . . . LMFAO !
awsome :)



Member (SA)
I have a R-50E and package (not mint though), but I don't even know what units it works with? It somewhat works with the M90, but not sure what models it's even really made for. Anyone else have insight on it?


Member (SA)
Here's the R50E that I have. And it only seems to work to play and stop the M90. Again, not sure what other boxes it actually 100% works with, I don't have any other JVC's with a port for it.



Member (SA)
wow ! glad to know that .....before i bought one to find out !
So only the Play and Stop of the R-50E works on the M90
very interesting.
i thought for sure it would work and have the extra scan feature.
likely is for Specific Cassette Decks instead of a boombox
and there is a caution on the box about what decks
NOT to use the R-50E with.
very interesting indeed !

so i guess it won't work on an M80 then....if it dosen't
work on the M90.
i wonder if a R-30E would really work on the M90 then ?
Thanks for the post !


Member (SA)
All the R50E box says is the models to use the 30E for, but nothing about the 50E. And I don't have the paperwork, just box/styro.

Caution: For the following models, use the R-30E model. KD-A5, KD-A7, KD-A77, KD-A8

and yes, the KD-A5 looks like a 1979 Tape Deck. So maybe the 50E is for newer ones.


If any has a model that actually works for the M90, I'd be up for trading/buying or whatever. Doubt I'd be that lucky.


Member (SA)
do you have another remote besides the R-50E
as in another remote like the R-30E or R-15E that does works for your M90 ?

like for cross-checking as to rule out other possibilities that maybe the
R-50E is not fully functional in the first place or IF maybe
there is a connector problem in the first place.

This is similar to when there is a crackle in a microphone . . .
you change the mic cable and check it .....and then you also
change what board channel is plugged into and check it to be sure that the crackle
IS in the mic ....bla bla.

only wondering if it really doesn't work with the M90 or IF there
may be another problem.



Member (SA)
Nope, this is the only remote I have. I haven't tried cleaning the connections or anything yet, but they look clean to begin with. And the M90 is otherwise real clean, but who knows if there's something else causing only the limited functionality.


Member (SA)
i would think that atleast REW and FFWD would also work.
the scan (seek) features should not work on my M60
since it doesn't seem to have that ability to stop at song spaces
between songs....which is the same as the M80.
maybe the R-15E and R-30E are all that fully work on the M-Series.
>>> atleast it plays and stops !

m40dotcom said:
Nope, this is the only remote I have. I haven't tried cleaning the connections or anything yet, but they look clean to begin with. And the M90 is otherwise real clean, but who knows if there's something else causing only the limited functionality.
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