Hong Kong - A New Hope

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Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Sounds exciting and totally has my attention Chris.
Who is direct competition though??? I'm kinda curious who else is trying to make classic style boomboxes.
Oh and dibs!
I think the hardest part of this whole process is going to be keeping my mouth shut :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really, there is little I can say, per the request of the guys from Bumpboxx. They want this thing to hit the world with no leaks. I will try to share with you things when I can. They have some other manufacturers that troll them.

Today was spend at the factory tuning the amplifier on the new UP ROCK and it's a BEAST! It's also a very interesting process to watch and be involved with. The amplifier technician solders and unsolders nearly microscopic filters on the amp board using tiny tweezers. He is basically re-EQ'ing the amp. The process took the better part of two days. Yesterday it was loud, but the highs were shrill, the bass was weak, mids were distorted. They worked on it last night and brought it closer and today we had them bring up the highs just a hair and the bass more, then the over all volume. Although this is far from being a production ready machine, this thing was so Farking loud you couldn't YELL over it to talk to each other!

Tomorrow we meet with a plastics molding company to talk about what it would take to make a case. One thing for sure, today's high impact plastics are so much better than the materials they had 30 years ago with our classic blasters were made. Then to a parts house to look for more components. I'm still searching for "The Right" parts. Knobs, Antenna's, Switches, ect.
Wow! Really hoping this box makes it to market!!!!! :-) As most people will be connecting by Bluetooth, it would be great if it has Bluetooth v4.0 with aptX + EDR. BT V3.0 and earlier sounds like crap in comparison. :-)

Good luck with everything Chris, you're doing a great job mate. :rock:
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