Holy f***ing crap!!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, I was watching that too. F'n crazy what people will pay for some boxes. Just shows that we really don't know the "value" of any boombox when M90s sell for under $400 and a jacked up Aiwa sells for $300+ :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Just talked about this on the other forum!
Couldn't believe it! Thought 200 tops!

Man I do want one of these someday!!
But 345!! man!!

Have a good one-GB. :-O :sadno:


Staff member
Not too suprised. Lots of people have this one on their wish list. Few examples to go around. Simple supply and demand at work.

Lasonic TRC-920

It really seems like there is NO guide lines. No blue book, NO way to tell, predict or plan for what any of these will sell for. I'm not even sure what that means. :huh: :-/

But one thing is for sure, who ever won that auction is more of the "I'm going to win it at any cost" type of person, than a collector making an informed decision because they liked, wanted or needed those parts! (Christ I hope my wife didn't win that!)

**Disclaimer: If I offended the person who bought that, sorry** :lol:
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