HITTIN THE STREETS with our blu fuz Straps!

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Member (SA)
Yesterday my friend, fellow collector and BOOMBOXERY member ELDIRTYDINO and I got the chance to disturb the peace, and try out our new universal boombox straps that we got from Boomboxery member Joe-aka blu fuz. We hit an annual car show here in my city in honor of all War Veterans and active Military. I took my Lasonic TRC-931, and ELDIRTYDINO busted out his super clean Lasonic TRC-935. His 935 looked fresh out the box with the original clear plastic protective film all intact on the entire front of the box! It was a hot one here in California, a nice 100 degrees! Anyways we were excited to try out these straps from Joe, and they are worth every penny. Quality stuff. Wanted to share a few pics with all of you of our day...Enjoy..and take them boxes off the shevles, dust em off and hit the streets! Show the youth that there's more to music than just ipods and earbuds. PEACE

ELDIRTYDINO on the left and myself
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Me and ELDIRTYDINO's strapped Lasonic TRC-935. Givin my 931 a break
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My Uncle giving us a thumbs way up. BLING BLING
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Beat Street Strut
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My favorite car of the day
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
You guys are great! Looks like a nice day to strap up and hit the streets to share the music. Im always here to help and im glad i was able to get you hooked up. Rock on dudes!
Wow those boxes sure look great doing their thing in the wild just like their supposed to!! Better than gathering dust in a sad, dark little room somewhere out of sight!! :-(

Well done guys,

Keep representing!

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
That right there is what it's all about......nice work guys.....beautiful boxes too, good to see em out in the sunshine!!

Lasonic TRC-920

...And you know there were some old guys getting home from the car show and their wife says "How was the car show honey?" and the old guy says "Terrible, there were some 35 year old teenagers with their boomboxes pissin' me off, just like the 80's....Arrrr, I hated the 80's!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool:


Member (SA)
Keep representing the life and style of boomboxes.

I was part of it when it all started back in the 80's. I was true hardcore carry these beast with 8 to 10 batteries in the once greatest city in the world New York City. Oh by the way no straps and it was just left to right and then right to left but I loved it! Hearing the sounds bouncing off the walls of handball courts was so cool. People in the park where I hung out religiously started calling me radio guy. Guys and gals would sit across the bench and enjoy the tunes that I would play. Man those were farkin' great times!!

The torch has been passed and now it's up to you guys the next generation to keep representing this love for boomboxes. Keep it real!


Member (SA)
Way to represent fellas. You make the rest of us look bad by doing what we ALL should be doing. This thread is a call to action. Thanks for the wakeup call!


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
...And you know there were some old guys getting home from the car show and their wife says "How was the car show honey?" and the old guy says "Terrible, there were some 35 year old teenagers with their boomboxes pissin' me off, just like the 80's....Arrrr, I hated the 80's!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool:
Lol, you hit the nail right on the head bro! The majority of peoples reactions were good, lots of smiles, thumbs up, lots of questions about where we got them from and if they were originals from the 80's, and if we were playing real cassette tapes, which we were. A LOT of younger kids and teenagers were in AWE, and asking to take pictures which is a compliment and we didn't mind one bit. AND THEN there were a select few odd stares from some old timers who didn't think it was so "cool" LOL. But we kept the volume respectable but just loud enough.

ford93 said:
Keep representing the life and style of boomboxes.

I was part of it when it all started back in the 80's. I was true hardcore carry these beast with 8 to 10 batteries in the once greatest city in the world New York City. Oh by the way no straps and it was just left to right and then right to left but I loved it! Hearing the sounds bouncing off the walls of handball courts was so cool. People in the park where I hung out religiously started calling me radio guy. Guys and gals would sit across the bench and enjoy the tunes that I would play. Man those were farkin' great times!!

The torch has been passed and now it's up to you guys the next generation to keep representing this love for boomboxes. Keep it real!
Man you and I were doing the same thing in the 80's just on different coasts! My cousin and I used to carry ours to the parks when we were kids. A couple skinny boys with these huge boxes full of 10 D's! Back then I had my original Lasonic TRC-931 which I don't have anymore. We did the same left to right switch all day haha, man good memories. Im now 40, and its still just as fun as it was back then, and the boxes arent as heavy. There was a kid at the car show who kept pointing at my box saying "Mom! Mom!" and she told him "No I'm not buying you one of those" Lol, poor kid. So maybe we inspired some of these young'ins to save their money and buy themselves a gem of their own, the way we all did back then.

-GZ- said:
Way to represent fellas. You make the rest of us look bad by doing what we ALL should be doing. This thread is a call to action. Thanks for the wakeup call!
Thanks for the props :rock: and your welcome for the wakeup haha. Thanks to all you others for the positive support and comments! Its worth all the sweat we poured out when others can appreciate our lifestyle. Thankfully we have a lot of good weather out here to be able to do this almost year round. I know some of you fellas live in some COLD areas come winter time...but hey, boomboxes don't hibernate so throw on a parka and some beats! Show us some wintery poses.

Lasonic TRC-920

SLO said:
Man you and I were doing the same thing in the 80's just on different coasts! My cousin and I used to carry ours to the parks when we were kids. A couple skinny boys with these huge boxes full of 10 D's! Back then I had my original Lasonic TRC-931 which I don't have anymore. We did the same left to right switch all day haha, man good memories. Im now 40, and its still just as fun as it was back then, and the boxes arent as heavy. There was a kid at the car show who kept pointing at my box saying "Mom! Mom!" and she told him "No I'm not buying you one of those" Lol, poor kid. So maybe we inspired some of these young'ins to save their money and buy themselves a gem of their own, the way we all did back then.
Ahhh the fond memories. Yep carrying without a strap. I had strong "Blaster Wrists" back then and could haul my TRC-920 day and night.

I was once that kid...Seeing an older kid with a big radio thinking one day that would be me. And I did grow up and do that. :-D

Back in the late 70's and early 80's not everyone had a personal music player, be it a blaster or walkman or portable radio. Maybe 1 person in 40. So when that one guy walked onto the basketball court and sat in the stands and selflessly used his batteries at his own expense and sacrifice, that man was hailed as a hero! I remember very well the desire to want to have that respect and to bring the music and share the tunes and put smiles on faces. That was easily a decade before big boomboxes got the bad reputation of being a public nuisance. Originally the man with the Box had the power and the respect...lastly....the women! ;-) :yes: :smooch:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
...And you know there were some old guys getting home from the car show and their wife says "How was the car show honey?" and the old guy says "Terrible, there were some 35 year old teenagers with their boomboxes pissin' me off, just like the 80's....Arrrr, I hated the 80's!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool:
:w00t: :lol:


Member (SA)
There was a kid at the car show who kept pointing at my box saying "Mom! Mom!" and she told him "No I'm not buying you one of those" Lol, poor kid.

Ah man that reminds me of my aunt when I pointed out to her a Pioneer that was in display in 79' she said the same thing. Poor kid I know how he must feel after hearing his mom saying no. :thumbsdown:

Lasonic TRC-920

ford93 said:
There was a kid at the car show who kept pointing at my box saying "Mom! Mom!" and she told him "No I'm not buying you one of those" Lol, poor kid.

Ah man that reminds me of my aunt when I pointed out to her a Pioneer that was in display in 79' she said the same thing. Poor kid I know how he must feel after hearing his mom saying no. :thumbsdown:
No greater motivation that someone telling you no and look at you now....That'll Learn'er! :lol:


Member (SA)
Tighhhht SLO :-) Those are great pictures! I strapped up the M70 quite a bit this summer, covered a lot of sidewalk. I love the looks from people, bus stops are great. They're all standing around staring into space and then a look of utter confusion glazes over them as they slowly turn their head, either followed by a smile of approval (and sometimes a request to blast it) or they just look away. You get rubbernecker drivers now and then too. One chick started dancin.

I do keep the volume a bit lower through quieter areas like neighborhoods, but along main roads where there is a lot of loud traffic, I'll blast it so loud I can hear it echo off the buildings across the street. Mmm :-)


Member (SA)
caution said:
Tighhhht SLO :-) Those are great pictures! I strapped up the M70 quite a bit this summer, covered a lot of sidewalk. I love the looks from people, bus stops are great. They're all standing around staring into space and then a look of utter confusion glazes over them as they slowly turn their head, either followed by a smile of approval (and sometimes a request to blast it) or they just look away. You get rubbernecker drivers now and then too. One chick started dancin.

I do keep the volume a bit lower through quieter areas like neighborhoods, but along main roads where there is a lot of loud traffic, I'll blast it so loud I can hear it echo off the buildings across the street. Mmm :-)
Thanks caution, and I agree, the looks these boxes get from people of all ages is absolutely PRICELESS, it's so fun using these blasters the way they were intended to be used, LOUD and all up in your face. Glad to hear your M70 gets the street time it deserves, Keep on representin!

Lasonic TRC-920

Of the people that remember these machines from the 80's they only have two memories, great or THE WORST THING TO HIT THE HUMAN RACE EVER!

I'll be honest, when I was a kid, I was a punk! I was that dick on the bus from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home! I didn't care if you were standing right next to me. I'm listening to "Running With the Devil" at full volume AND SO ARE YOU!

These days, society is not as passive and it's been 30 years since music has been played opening. My favorite part of it all is the guy that hasn't seen one in 30 years and crosses the street to walk over with a HUGE smile on his face to say "Holy S&^%, I have seen one of those since I was kid!" To me, that is the best of the best, because at that moment you provided him (or her) with a flood of positive happy memories of a time in their life that they may not have thought about in years. What better gift can you give a stranger.


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Of the people that remember these machines from the 80's they only have two memories, great or THE WORST THING TO HIT THE HUMAN RACE EVER!

I'll be honest, when I was a kid, I was a punk! I was that dick on the bus from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home! I didn't care if you were standing right next to me. I'm listening to "Running With the Devil" at full volume AND SO ARE YOU!

These days, society is not as passive and it's been 30 years since music has been played opening. My favorite part of it all is the guy that hasn't seen one in 30 years and crosses the street to walk over with a HUGE smile on his face to say "Holy S&^%, I have seen one of those since I was kid!" To me, that is the best of the best, because at that moment you provided him (or her) with a flood of positive happy memories of a time in their life that they may not have thought about in years. What better gift can you give a stranger.
:agree: Very well put, my thoughts EXACTLY :bow:
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