Hilarious eBay listing - Panasonic RX-5280

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Lasonic TRC-920 said:
A buddy of mine had this POS, I ill have to let him know it's worth $85k :lol:
I had one of those a few years back. Unfortunately, these used an oddball parallel printer connection - they'd come out just before the widespread advent of USB - which my old Mac didn't have. Ended up selling it for way less than 85k. The SmartMedia cards - remember those? - it came with proved useful with the Rio500s I still have.


Member (SA)
if i can regail you with an experience i had years ago,not directly boombox related-worked in a sofa store,someone bought a sofa set for a grand or something,anyway i put A MILLION into the pdq machine by mistake (held the 0 button down too long lol)and guess what?it approved :w00t: sadly i realised my mistake and refunded the difference lol-point is,looking at the main post subject for the panny,and subsequent posts for other high ticket items,surely it cant all be numbers with the decimal point in the wrong place-we are a nation of greedy b'stards :lol: and its always us box collectors that has to suffer....speaking of the 5280 im sure we had one on uk ebay in the last few weeks,or it might not have been that exact model :hmmm:
DKVII said:
Well, I have officially lost all faith in my species now. All hope is gone. :sad: :sadno:
Believe it or not... the damned thing got sold!


And another eBayer is using that sale to pump up the worth of his sealed box MP3 player...


Only want $4K for his because the wrapper is ripped.


Boomus Fidelis
I call BS, notice it was allegedly "sold" on July 10 yet he didn't receive feedback for it, nor did he leave any either.
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