Here or there?

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Boomus Fidelis
You've gotta make your own mind as to which site is better. Regardless, it's not really a Boomboxery vs. stereo2go thing 'cause there's room enough for both sites. :yes: .

Well said Mono, it's up to each individual to decide how both sites fit for them. I for one don't hold any hate for S2G I just like it much better here. :yes:


Staff member
I visit both sites but the great majority of my time is spent here. Over there, nothing much ever seems to be happening. Over here, you can always get something of substance whether it is information, advice, fellowship, gossip, consolation, or just general fun. I'm not gonna make a comparison list but I just enjoy it here a whole lot. I don't hate nobody. At least not in any higher ratio than compared to life in general... :w00t: :-O

Anyhow, I just enjoy it here a lot more, it's that simple and doesn't warrant any more wasted brain cell activity than is absolutely necessary -- they get lazy when older. :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Great thread , Brian :cool: I agree . We had a great time on S2G . Panasonic faggot is a bastard.
I complety ignored him. Not worth the trouble. I don't post much on both forums.
I'm more a lurker. I don't want to spend my whole life on the fricking computer though :grim:
I still like collecting boomboxes and listening to them It's fun .
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