Hello from Seeker of my long lost 80's BoomBox! :)

Jamie Rood

New Member
Jun 1, 2022
Austin, Texas
Hi everyone. I'm an Austin, Texas based artist doing mostly nostalgic Object themes lately. This past winter at the Arizona Fine Arts Expo I do every Jan-Mar, my good friend Kevin mentioned - 'Hey you should do a Ghetto-Blaster' ;) I just kinda thought 'yeh sure', but after getting back home and finishing up orders, the thought just kept coming up...
I remembered back in the mid 80's my apartment in Fort Worth was broken into and my prize possession boombox was stolen (along with a lot of other CDs & stuff). I realized that this bit of memorabilia was relevant to me and perhaps other fans. I had a pretty good visual in my head, but I 'needed' to find a picture of it to verify the make & model. After going through all my old photographs I finally just found two Polaroids (white borders;) from that time period. they were from my college apartment a couple years before - one showing my 'jungle-themed' bedroom, the other jute & plant-infested living room with cinder-block shelves and, lo & behold my beautiful silver music box sitting on top!
So being the anal master digital editor, I scanned the image, employed noise-reduction and sharpening to try and get a better look at it. Of course could not read anything but the features became clear enough.
After hours and hours of scouring the Internet (& of course my friend ebay), I've pretty much concluded it was a Sensor RT-1246, although the Helix HX-4631, GPX 990, and GCR-8560 are pretty close. ref: https://www.wikiboombox.com/tiki-index.php?page=Sensor+RT-1246
In the mean time I've picked up an old Panasonic 5500 and much older Zenith tube to round out the 'study'.
So, I guess my obsession extends well past my Quest to 'find my old JamBox'... :)



Member (SA)
Mar 25, 2014
My vote is for the Sensor.
It's the only one with a fifth switch right next to the tuner knob. Looks like you have something there in your pic.
The Sensor is also the only one with a thick dark line running along the bottom of the tuner section instead of right down the middle.
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Jamie Rood

New Member
Jun 1, 2022
Austin, Texas
My vote is for the Sensor.
It's the only one with a fifth switch right next to the tuner knob. Looks like you have something there in your pic.
The Sensor is also the only one with a thick dark line running along the bottom of the tuner section instead of right down the middle.
Thanks Caution, I see what you are referring to.
And, although it's been thirty-something years ago, 'Sensor' kinda 'rang a bell'..