Heaviest boombox

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
All this talk of component boomboxes and such got me to wondering...

What is the heaviest boombox, without batteries, ever produced? :huh:


Member (SA)
WX-1 :thumbsup:


Staff member
Well, as the resident homer for these things, I would say there are five primary candidates in no particular order:

The JVC PC-55, The Telefunken Hifi Studio 1/1M, Sanyo C9, Pioneer CK-11 and Fisher PH-480/490/492.

A Doans pill is required if these are carried for any length of time. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
I heard it was the Sharp HK-9000! It's the big behomth black one-Vlad1234 has one.
I actually heard it was heavier than the PC-55.
GB. :-) :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Okay, I know my FH7 weighs more than a Tele 1m, and I think this Toshiba outweighs the FH7..... not sure as I dont step on the un-holy thing known as the bathroom scale.....

My FH7 is a killer, but I still say this WX1 is heavier....


Staff member
Ghettoboom767 said:
I heard it was the Sharp HK-9000! It's the big behomth black one-Vlad1234 has one.
I actually heard it was heavier than the PC-55.
GB. :-) :hmmm:

I've weighed em'. The WX-1 though heavy as hell, is slightly lighter than a HiFi Studio.

The HK9000, though weighty, is slightly less heavier than a PC-55. I had one before I sent it to Chris (Kittmaster).

The only reason I didn't toss in the FH-7 is because I figured it weighed as much as the FH-5 which I have. The real question iswhich is heavier with batteries! :w00t:

And Sup, I think you got it with the VZ. I had forgot about that one with all the turntable and stabilization guts for said turntable. :yes:


Staff member
Skippy. I don't know about the JVC 'cause I never had one, but I can tell you that the PMS-7000 isn't nearly as heavy as the VZ. If you are strong enough to hold it at arms length, you might topple over. :w00t: :lol: :lol: No No.... No kidding.... :yes:


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Skippy. I don't know about the JVC 'cause I never had one, but I can tell you that the PMS-7000 isn't nearly as heavy as the VZ. If you are strong enough to hold it at arms length, you might topple over. :w00t: :lol: :lol: No No.... No kidding.... :yes:

My 7000 was heavy but not like "holy sh*t" heavy!!! :-O :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Superduper said:
Skippy. I don't know about the JVC 'cause I never had one, but I can tell you that the PMS-7000 isn't nearly as heavy as the VZ. If you are strong enough to hold it at arms length, you might topple over. :w00t: :lol: :lol: No No.... No kidding.... :yes:
LOL! Your right there Johnny,I think my arms grew a few inches when I carried a Marantz PMS-7000 in one hand and a Marantz CRS-8000 in the other.......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I Am Legend
i think the medium size aiwa carry-compo is the heaviest --
44 pounds w/o batteries --
:-O its all steel and wood -
spud and agentO have them


Member (SA)
i agree with JVC Floyd is got to be the JVC DC-7 cause I have one of those and is heavy as hell, But I never had the Aiwa compo so perhaps Ira is right. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
to me i thought it would be the m1 i have the wx-1 its heavy but the tele still seems a bit heavier then the tosh but if you really want to know which one is heavy let it drop on your toes if you scream its heavy :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
hemiguy2006 said:
I think the M-1 has the WX-1 beat but Johnny will be able to tell for sure as he has both now.

Monichito has my old WX1 and I thought it was heavier - but nope! - and thats what I was going off of :yes:
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