he dosent know

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
We shouldn't be giving that loser any extra attention. He must be related to that banjo guy in 'Deliverance'.

Master Z

Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Is he retarded?


Unfortunatly, I'm guessing he's just a regular kid of this generation. (perhaps all a bit retarted.)
It's also a safe bet that he has no idea what a cassette is.



Member (SA)
Listening to a Chris Brown and Lil Wayne song, enough said.

I'm just wondering if he's had 2 dozens messages from people on this board, offering him cars, first born children, a brain, 1 dozen other boxes, or etc for that one.


Member (SA)
Not sure about this guy eather.
He fixes stuff and has a work bench there. :huh:
No point in starting another thread.

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