Hazardous guess as to what this is anyone? 50's content

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sean 91

Member (SA)
it belonged to my grandfather back in the 1950s, but now it just lives in our car port :-/


sean 91

Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Get it on the Antiques Roadshow mate ;-)

it's not mine, its my dad's, and its probably worth more in sentimental value... i dont even think it works, its been unused since the 1980's when my grandad passed away


Member (SA)
im_alan_partridge said:
Get it on the Antiques Roadshow mate ;-)
:agree: Get it serviced and cleaned up. That is very interesting to find out the history behind it. If you find out, Let me know. :yes: (A BoomBoxe's forefather) :-D


Member (SA)
Whats it say on the lower front right corner ? Also, any decals on the back or inside the back sides or top inside the radio ? Thanks

sean 91

Member (SA)
kaboomer said:
Whats it say on the lower front right corner ? Also, any decals on the back or inside the back sides or top inside the radio ? Thanks

The badge on the front says G Marcon, and it has marconi on top


Member (SA)
Well since it looks like a radio and it says "Marconi" on it, I'll take a wild guess and say it's a Marconi Radio ! I guess you want some history or a model ? Gosh ! Do I have to do everything ? LOL , I'll let my old friend Heimy see it and he will know, be back soon.


Member (SA)
Any way you post a couple pictures from the backside of this radio ? Thanks, by the way, Marconi's are HIGHLY sought after units he tells me ! Thank you


Member (SA)
"Not Yet Published"

“The story you’re about to read is true…” – The Golden Age of Radio

November 23, 2009 at 8:53 PM (Cultural History)

To most people born after the 1950s, it’s hard to imagine life without that box in the living-room with the flashing pictures and sounds and the big, clear screen the size of a billiard-table, but what about life before television? While it first appeared in the 1920s, television would not become a practical reality until after WWII in the late 1940s. So, before the family gathered around the box every night to watch the news and eat dinner and watch stuff like Ed Sullivan, the Dick Van Dyke Show, Dragnet, the Brady Bunch, Gilligan’s Island or Bewitched, how the hell did people pass the time?
They listened to the radio.

The Impact of Radio.

The radio was born at the turn of the last century and mankind marvelled at the ingenuity of a man named Guglielmo Marconi, who showed everyone that wireless telecommunications was possible…if only through Morse Code at the time. Within 25 years, Marconi’s invention…wireless radio…would have revolutionised the world. Radio did great things to mankind. In 1912, it sent ships racing through frigid Atlantic waters to an ocean liner in distress. In 1937, it spread the news of a catastrophic aircraft disaster, in 1939, it announced the start of a great conflict which would consume the world…and from the mid 1920s until the mid 1950s, it would bring such classics as ‘The Shadow’, ‘Dragnet’, ‘The Abbott and Costello Show’, the ‘Jack Benny Program’ and ‘The Whistler’ into people’s living-rooms every night.

During the Great Depression and throughout World War Two, American president Franklin D. Roosevelt used the radio to broadcast his ‘fireside chats’ to the nation, a series of radio broadcasts in which the president personally explained his policies, ideas and concerns to the nation in a series of speeches which ordinary people could listen to in their homes.

The Golden Age of Radio Begins.

Marconi can’t possibly have known the impact his innovations had, but they were huge. For the first time in history, people all over a city…all over a country, could listen to the same thing at the same time, all together, and be informed or entertained by the smart, wooden-cased electronic gizmo in their living-room, which by then was called the ‘radio’.

Once practical broadcast radio, of the kind we know today, was developed in the mid 1920s, people were quick to recognise the entertainment-possibilities of a machine that could send music and voices all over the country. The radio-serial was born! Once distribution of home radio-sets was started, it was soon realised that people would want something to listen to on their new doohickies, otherwise they’d soon lose interest. So people started scripting and producing radio-serials.

The Radio Serial.

A radio-serial is a regularly-scheduled program of a specific genre, much like popular TV shows today. They’re scripted, rehearsed, broadcast, recorded and sent out all over the world at a specific time. The first radio-serials came into being shortly after the invention of the electronic microphone in 1925 and less than a year later, people were able to listen to a whole new kind of entertainment.


Member (SA)
Very stylish....

These old units have wax paper caps that will most likely be dead.

Until they're replaced, best to make sure no AC is connected....can do a lot of damage.

sean 91

Member (SA)
kaboomer said:
Any way you post a couple pictures from the backside of this radio ? Thanks, by the way, Marconi's are HIGHLY sought after units he tells me ! Thank you

I will do in a couple days... its good to know a bit about it, its been in our family for half a century


Member (SA)
I would like to see you get this oiled up and some internal repairs done. Passing a radio down was a big deal years ago, can't wait to see more pictures. Thank You

sean 91

Member (SA)
kaboomer said:
I would like to see you get this oiled up and some internal repairs done. Passing a radio down was a big deal years ago, can't wait to see more pictures. Thank You

the result of A morning's work.... its still doesnt work as im not qualified to do so and it doesnt belong to me, but its all cleaned up and in pretty good shape for the age, i would say








On the Inside.... Theres some surface rust in places, but it doesnt look too bad in there :-D



The details: its not very legible so i'll type it out
the license Badge (top) ''Issued by the B.T.H Co. E.M.I The G.E.C The Gramophone Co. The Marconi Co. and Phillips''
Serial Badge (middle) ''Model number: T26A, serial number A over 14 24935"
Valve position chart (bottom) "Copyright Marconiphone Co. Limited Hayes Middlesex, England P99263"

Back Panel





cheers, sean


Member (SA)

These were mfg in 1950, nice solid radio with shortwave, runs on 220 volts ac ! Good Luck getting her fixed up, nice radio !
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